JUNE 25-26, 2005

June 25, 2005:

    President Martinusen called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

Those answering roll call:

              Northern                                Central                                   Southern     

            David Fleming                       Don Bunch                             Keith Ansley

            Jim McCullough                    Richie Clodt                          Ray Brasser

            Jessie Miyasaki                    Vickie Craine                        Virginia Crawford

            Carl Reynolds                       Kevin Erwin                           Tim Donahue

            David Ver Halen                   Tom Goss                              Jim Edwards

            Ken Yamaguchi                    Ed Hammond                        Patrick Jenks

                                                            Dan Hoffman                         Dan Kirby

                                                            Myles Johnson                     Kurt Sachau

                                                            Gil Martinusen                      Bob Slough

                                                            Ray Phillips                            Dicksie Spolar

                                                            Fred Piazza

                                                            John Silva

Treasurer’s Report:

  Treasurer Fleming provided a summary report of the financial standing of the Corporation as of June 18, 2005.  With no questions from the floor:

                                    Motion:  Reynolds                Second:  Kirby                     

                                    To accept Treasurer’s report as presented.

                                                Passed:  by voice vote

Nominations of Directors:

  3rd Vice President Kevin Erwin presented the following nominations for the 2005-2006 Board of Directors:

              Northern                                Central                                   Southern     

            David Fleming                       Don Bunch                             Keith Ansley

            Jim McCullough                    Richie Clodt                          Ray Brasser

            Jessie Miyasaki                    Steve Cloyd                           Virginia Crawford

            Carl Reynolds                       Vickie Craine                        Tim Donahue

            David Ver Halen                   Kevin Erwin                           Jim Edwards

            Ken Yamaguchi                    Tom Goss                              John Hawker

                                                            Ed Hammond                        Patrick Jenks

                                                            Dan Hoffman                         Dan Kirby

                                                            Kym Hughes                         Helen Lemich

                                                            Myles Johnson                     William Martin

                                                            Gil Martinusen                      Robert May

                                                            Jonas Mayhue                      Kurt Sachau

                                                            Ray Phillips                            Bob Slough

                                                            Fred Piazza                            Dicksie Spolar

                                                            John Silva


  With no nominations being present from the floor:

                                    Motion:  McCullough            Second:  Piazza                   

                                    To close nominations.

                                                Passed:  by voice vote

                                    Motion:  Sachau                   Second:  Goss                      

                                    To accept nominations as presented for the 2005-2006

                                    Board of Directors.

                                                Passed:  by voice vote

Nominations for ATA Delegates:

    President opened the floor for nominations for ATA Delegate and Alternates.

                                    Motion:  Brasser                   Second:  Edwards               

                                    To nominate Eileen Williamson as ATA Delegate.

                                    Motion:  Ansley                     Second:  Miyasaki               

                                    To close nominations.

                                                Passed:  by voice

                                    Motion:  Wilber Poston        Second:  Chico Agundez    

                                    To nominate Vickie Larkin as 1st Alternate.

                                    Motion:  Ansley                     Second:  Edwards               

                                    To close nominations.

                                                Passed:  by voice

                                    Motion:  Spolar                     Second:  Edwards               

                                    To nominate Ray Brasser as 2nd Alternate.

                                    Motion:  Ansley                     Second:  Eileen Williamson

                                    To close nominations.

                                                Passed:  by voice

  With no challenge to the nominations there will be no ballot issue and offices are filled under white ballot procedure.

1st Vice President Ken Yamaguchi presented to out going President Martinusen his President’s pin and shooter bag to commemorate his year as the CGSTA President.

With no additional issues being presented to the floor:

                                    Motion:  Ansley                     Second:  Edwards               

                                    To place the meeting in recess at 8:10 a.m.

                                                Passed:  by voice vote


June 26, 2005

    President Martinusen reconvened the meeting at 8:05 a.m.

Those answering roll call:

              Northern                                Central                                   Southern     

            David Fleming                       Don Bunch                             Keith Ansley

            Jim McCullough                    Richie Clodt                          Ray Brasser

            Jessie Miyasaki                    Vickie Craine                        Virginia Crawford

            Carl Reynolds                       Kevin Erwin                           Tim Donahue

            David Ver Halen                   Tom Goss                              Jim Edwards

            Ken Yamaguchi                    Ed Hammond                        Patrick Jenks

                                                            Dan Hoffman                         Dan Kirby

                                                            Gil Martinusen                      Kurt Sachau

                                                            Jonas Mayhue                      Bob Slough

                                                            Ray Phillips                            Dicksie Spolar

                                                            Fred Piazza

                                                            John Silva

President Martinusen announced the results of the elections held the previous day for the ATA Delegate and Alternates and the Board of Directors for the 2005-2006 year.

President Martinusen announced the results of the polls that the shooters were asked to fill out:

            1] to change the state team criteria – to remove requirement to apply

                        yes:    90                    no:    26         

            2] to change the state team criteria – that all registered targets count

                        yes:    77                    no:    39         

            3] proposed change to CGSTA zone boundaries between Northern and Central

                        yes:    57                    no:    46         

    President Martinusen announced that these polls were advisory polls and will be taken under consideration by the Board of Directors.

Delegate’s Report:

    Delegate Eileen Williamson provided updated information:

            1] ATA home grounds in Sparta, Illinois

            2] target requirements for the 2005 Grand American

            3] new Big 50 program established by the ATA

            4] results of ATA poll given here at State Shoot

Delegate presented Keith Baker and Kyle Gentry with their 1st time to 27 yard line pin.  It was announced that Bob May also reached the 27 yard line for the first time during the State Shoot.

Dick Marascola announced that there were already 3000 juniors presquaded for the 2005 Grand American.

Page 4                         Annual Meeting                         June 25-26, 2005

California Junior Program:

    Kurt Sachau reported that there were 276 juniors that participated on the Junior Day held the previous weekend.  Reported that there would be at least five teams sent to the Grand American this year.    He thanked Gail Miller and his crew and coaches for keeping the program going and growing.  Reported they anticipate 350 juniors participating at the State Shoot next year.

Hall of Fame:

    Donation report:  Robert Gioia reported on the great support shown by the shooters during the State Shoot and thanked all those that donated raffle items this year.  He also thanked the Hall of Fame directors for their being available during the shoot.

    Inductees to the Hall of Fame:

            1] Randy Albertson – presentation by Dick Marascola

            2] Donald W. Curten, Sr. – presentation by Steve Spencer

            3] Gene Lumsden – presentation by Jimmy Poindexter

    Robert Gioia reported that there had not been anyone apply for the Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund for a couple of years – would once again donate the $1,000 to the SCTP program to help send the juniors to the Grand and would also donate half of the proceeds collected today to the program as well.

Achievement Medals:

    Don Bunch presented the following shooters with their target achievement medals:

            Don Wyman – 100,000 combined targets

            Joe Matkovich – 100,000 combined targets

            Morris Hall – 100,000 combined targets

            Ken Yamaguchi – 100,000 combined targets achieved in today’s handicap

            Morris Hall – 200,000 combined targets

Special Presentations:

    Carl Reynolds presented Dick Marascola a plaque in appreciation for his work on behalf of the CGSTA as a director and President as well as on the ATA Central Handicap Committee.

    Past President Dan Kirby presented plaques in appreciation for the time and work contributed by the Directors that had been on the Board ten years or more: 

   Richie Clodt – 1994; Donald Bunch - 1992 ; Myles Johnson - 1991; John Hawker - 1994;

   Tom Goss -  1989; Ray Phillips - 1989; Virginia Crawford - 1989; Kurt Sachau - 1989; Jonas

   Mayhue – 1977.


With no further business being brought to the floor:

                                    Motion:  Kirby                       Second:  Johnson               

                                    To adjourn meeting at 8:55 a.m.

                                                Passed:  by voice vote


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