JUNE 26, 2005

President Martinusen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Those answering roll call were:

        Northern                Central                 Southern       

      David Fleming           Don Bunch               Keith Ansley

      Jim McCullough          Richie Clodt            Ray Brasser

      Jessie Miyasaki         Steve Cloyd             Virginia Crawford

      Carl Reynolds           Kevin Erwin             Tim Donahue

      David Ver Halen         Tom Goss                Jim Edwards

      Ken Yamaguchi           Ed Hammond              Patrick Jenks

                              Dan Hoffman             Dan Kirby

                              Myles Johnson           Kurt Sachau

                              Gil Martinusen          Bob Slough

                              Jonas Mayhue            Dicksie Spolar

                              Ray Phillips

                              Fred Piazza

                              John Silva

Secretary reminded all those present that any new Board members elected were welcome to attend the meeting but could not vote on any issues until after July 1 when their office term began.

Secretary reported that the purpose of this meeting was to elect the officers for the 2005-2006 year.

For the office of President:

                  Motion:  Sachau         Second:  McCullough    

                  To nominate Ken Yamaguchi for the office of President.

                  Motion:  Reynolds       Second:  Kirby         

                  To close the nominations.

                        Passed: by voice vote

For the office of 1st Vice President:

                  Motion:  Donahue        Second:  Spolar        

                  To nominate Jim Edwards for the office of 1st V.P.

                  Motion:  Kirby          Second:  Jenks         

                  To nominate Bob Slough for the office of 1st V.P.

                  Motion:  Kirby          Second:  Jenks         

                  To close the nominations.

                        Passed: by voice vote

      Secretary reported that these nominations would go to ballot vote at the

      conclusion of the nominations and the nominees would have an opportunity

      to speak prior to voting.

For the office of 2nd Vice President:

                  Motion:  Sachau         Second:  McCullough    

                  To nominate Kevin Erwin for the office of 2nd V.P.

                  Motion:  Sachau         Second:  McCullough    

                  To close the nominations.

                        Passed: by voice vote


For the office of 3rd Vice President:

                  Motion:  Yamaguchi      Second:  Reynolds      

                  To nominate David Fleming for the office of 3rd V.P.

                  Motion:  Mayhue         Second:  Piazza        

                  To close the nominations.

                        Passed: by voice vote

For the office of Treasurer:

                  Motion:  Reynolds       Second:  Yamaguchi     

                  To nominate David Fleming for the office of Treasurer.

                  Motion:  Mayhue         Second:  Donahue       

                  To close the nominations.

                        Passed:  by voice vote

For the office of Secretary:

                  Motion:  Whole Board    Second:  Whole Board   

                  To nominate Virginia Crawford for the office of Secretary.

                  Motion:  Whole Board    Second:  Whole Board   

                  To close the nominations.

                        Passed: by voice vote

At the conclusion of the nominations Jim Edwards and Bob Slough were given an opportunity to speak regarding their nominations for the office of 2nd Vice President.  They answered questions from the floor during this time.  Ballots were distributed and the results are as follows:

                  Bob Slough................ 23

                  Jim Edwards...............  5

New Business:

  1] President Martinusen brought to the floor the voice call units.  Reported that there had been some problems with some of the units and felt the reason for that was due to their sitting in storage for a year.  Reported that he would like to see the units rotated through the Kingsburg shoots during the year to keep them up and working.

                  Motion:  Sachau         Second:  Brasser       

                  To have Martinusen establish a rotation for the voice

                  calls to be used periodically at Kingsburg during

                  the year to insure their reliability at our State Shoot.

                        Passed: by voice vote

  2] Sachau brought to the floor the request that the incoming President establish

a committee to look into the purchase of new Pat Traps.  Discussion ensued resulting in the following motion:

                  Motion:  Sachau         Second:  Slough        

                  To have the President establish a business committee to

                  research the purchase of Pat Traps to compliment the existing

                  Pat Traps owned by Kingsburg.

                        Passed: by voice vote

  3] Spolar brought to the floor a question regarding the bank rotation system used at the State Shoot.  Reported that she felt that it should be in the program as to how the banks are drawn.

Page 3               Board of Directors               June 26, 2005

With no further business being brought to the floor:

                  Motion:  Kirby          Second:  McCullough    

                  To adjourn meeting at 9:18 a.m.

                        Passed: by voice vote


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