DECEMBER 13, 2003
President Kirby called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jessie Miyasaki Carl Reynolds Ron Taylor |
Don Bunch Vickie Craine Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Gil Martinusen |
Brasser Virginia Crawford Tim Donahue Ken Eltrich Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau Bob Slough Dicksie Spolar |
Late arrival: Jonas Mayhue
Minutes of prior meetings:
Motion:Reynolds Second:Brasser
To approve minutes of meetings as presented.
Passed:by voice vote
1] Secretary reported on a few emails amongst committee members nothing major.
2] Reported that Don Black had contacted her requesting info as to a new address for Robert May.Reported that all correspondence he had issued had been returned and the Secretary reported that she had the same address as Mr. Black.
3] Reported that she had received from Vickie Craine the All-American Team application.Reported that she had forwarded it to Dave Fleming for reworking into a more useable form for the CGSTA.
4] Received in November from ATA the notice of the dates for the Grand American.
Secretary announced that the pocket schedules were done and available for pickup at this meeting. Reported that we had received the notice on the ATA refund.There was one club that did not pay a late fee notice and that $25 was taken out of the refund.The refund for the 2003 target year is $19,432.10
Delegates report:
Delegate Williamson reported on the date change of the Grand American for 2004 and the adding of one day to the program.
Reported on the California shooters that made the All-American Team congrats to Matt Hoffman and Sean Hawley.
Reported on the targets thrown in 2003.Reported that there was an increase of slightly less than 1%.
Reported that the ATA is now granting half yard reductions on 1000 target reviews under certain circumstances when the shooter does not qualify for the full yard reduction.It is setup in the computer to be automatic.
Reported on the new sale of the Redlands Trap & Skeet Club.
Reported that four clubs had submitted letters to host the 2004 Western Zone Sacramento Trapshooting Club and Coon Creek Gun Club for Northern sites; Redlands Trap and Skeet and Triple B Clays for Southern sites.Site selection for the Western Zone would be deferred to new business.
New/Replacement directors:
Northern Zone no changes at this time;Central Zone no changes at this time;Southern Zone no changes at this time.
Treasurers report:
Treasurer Fleming reported that the Association was doing well so far this year.There had been approximately an 11% increase in day fees received.He provided an overall review of the current income and expense that was reported for this fiscal year.
Motion:Goss Second:Bunch
To accept treasurers report as presented.
Passed:by voice vote
Committee review/update:
Open floor discussion occurred regarding the committees.Several members were placed on various committees.No motions were placed on the floor for action.
Old business:
1] Received bid from Don Black for the photography at the 2004 State Shoot.Bid has been increased to $700 due to the upgrades that he has done to digital but contains same components as previous years.
Motion:Reynolds Second:Taylor
To accept bid as presented.
Passed:by voice vote2] Received bid from Norm Volponi for the cashiering at the 2004 State Shoot.Bid has been increased to $7800 due to computer rental.Treasurer Fleming brought to the floor the idea of the Association providing/using our own computers.Reported that setting up our own system is something that needs to be considered seriously.We can ultimately establish a networking system that could allow for the shoot-off committee quicker access to high gun lists etc.Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion:Mayhue Second:Taylor
To purchase what is necessary to begin upgrading the State Shoot office purchases to include 2 computers; 2 printers; new State Shoot program setup to include the technology to ultimately network the handicap windows, the cashiering windows and the shoot-off table.
Passed:by voice vote3] Secretary brought to the floor the copier owned by the Association.Reported that she had been in contact with the company on the maintenance contract and had been informed that it was questionable as to whether we would be offered another maintenance contract on the machine.The age of the machine and the ever increasing lack of replacement parts is the determining factor.Secretary stated that she was just informing the Board of an increased possibility that she would be presenting at a later date the options the Board had regarding the copier.
New business:
1] State Shoot President Kirby informed the Board that we did not get a firm price from Kingsburg during our meeting this morning.Reported that the Kingsburg Board had not met but Robert Terry stated that he did not foresee an increase in the target price.Reported that they had discussed the moving of the juniors to the Saturday before the shoot started.Until word is received regarding the Kingsburg Board meeting the negotiation committee can not provide definitive answers regarding the price of targets or the movement of the scholastic junior shooters.
Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion:Fleming Second:Mayhue
To keep the format of the State Shoot the same as last year.
Passed:by voice voteMotion:Sachau Second:Mayhue
That all target prices remain the same if no price increase from Kingsburg.
Passed:by voice vote2] Director Bunch presented to those present the 2004 State Shoot pin.Reported that he was in need of ideas for future pins.
3] Trophy Chair Ron Taylor informed the Board that the trophy list for the State Shoot had been sent out for bids and he was awaiting answers.He informed the Board that there would be more out of state trophies this year.
4] Director Craine reported that the Santa Ynez Gun Club wanted to donate a champion and runner-up trophy for a PeeWee Division (11 years or younger) for the State Singles Championship.
5] Secretary asked if there was going to be a Champion of Champion buckle this year and was informed that Kern Co. Gun Club had informed Ken Yamaguchi that they would once again provide the buckle.
6] Treasurer Fleming reported that Kingsburg Gun Club and Tulare Gun Club has in the past offered as a trophy a certificate for target fees for the State Shoot these certificates are not paid for until the end of the State Shoot.It is one of the accounting problems that are in place during the shoot.Treasurer Fleming suggested that the CGSTA make the certificates and make available to all clubs that would like to offer State Shoot target price as a trophy at their club.Discussion ensued regarding the issue resulting with no motion being placed on the floor for action.
7] Western Zone site selection was brought back to the floor.Director Reynolds reminded the Board that several years ago the Board elected to rotate the site locations if possible. With that in mind he offered the following:
Motion:Reynolds Second:Sachau
To select:Coon Creek as Northern site Triple B as Southern site and to send letter to clubs that did not get nominated and explain the procedure of selection.
Passed:by voice vote8] Director Bunch requested that the State Shoot program information on the Target Achievement Award be updated to state that those shooters that have attained their 100,000 and/or 200,000 targets can now apply at the handicap window at the State Shoot subject to computer availability of information.
9] Director Fleming reported that he had approximately 200 new shooter packets available if any directors would like to pickup a few.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion:Goss Second:Martinusen
To adjourn meeting at 12:04 p.m.
Passed:by voice vote