DECEMBER 11, 2004


President Martinusen called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.

Those answering roll call:

         Northern                         Central                          Southern         
      Jessie Miyasaki                Don Bunch                 Ray Brasser
      Carl Reynolds                Steve Cloyd                   Virginia Crawford
      David Ver Halen               Kevin Erwin                Dan Kirby
      Ken Yamaguchi               Tom Goss                    Kurt Sachau
                                                   Ed Hammond              Bob Slough
                                                   Myles Johnson
                                                   Gil Martinusen
                                                   Jonas Mayhue
                                                   John Silva

Minutes of prior meeting:

  Secretary apologized to the Board for not issuing the prior minutes in a more timely manner.  Reported that due to some unforeseen problems she had been unable to prepare the minutes sooner and felt that the Board should not approve them until they had a better chance to review them – also reported that Treasurer Fleming had already reported an error on one of the motions in which he did not make the second.

                        Motion:  Reynolds       Second:  Yamaguchi     
                        To table approval of minutes until the next meeting.
                              Passed:  by voice vote
                                       Sachau opposed


  Information reported:  State Team application from Aaron Thompson.

                         Achievement awards info from Edward Salata.
                         Additional request from Jim Elliott for complete financial
                         Bid from Don Black for photography at 2005 State Shoot.
                         Letter of complaint against Kingsburg Gun Club and one CGSTA
                           director – President deferred discussion to new business.
                         Address change on a Life member.
                         Product information from CCF Products.
                         Email from Christine at Grubby’s requesting to reproduce the
                           State Shoot logo.

Delegates report:

  ATA Delegate Williamson updated the Board on the rule changes that were reported at the last meeting – specifically the rule regarding punches when the shooter won a purse.  Also reported the latest update regarding Sparta.

New/replacement directors:

  No zone reported changes to their directors.

Treasurers’ report:

  Due to the absence of Treasurer Fleming the Secretary provided the Board with the financial information provided.  Due to questions that the Secretary was unable to report on the following motion was presented:

                        Motion:  Sachau         Second:  Mayhue        
                        To table approval of treasurers report until the
                        next meeting.
                              Passed:  by voice vote
                                       Yamaguchi/Reynolds opposed


  State Shoot program:  Director Brasser brought to the floor a couple of items that needed to be addressed/discussed resulting in the following:

                        Motion:  Brasser        Second:  Yamaguchi     
                        To leave the schedule of events the same as 2004.
                              Passed:  by voice vote

                        Motion:  Kirby          Second:  Mayhue        
                        To leave the trophies the way they are.
                              Passed:  by voice vote
                                       Miyasaki opposed

  Junior program:  Director Sachau reported:

       1] SCTP day would be on Sunday and they would pay negotiated price for target s
            and provide their own pullers and setters.  CGSTA members that wanted to
            volunteer could do so as cashiering or safety and line referees.

       2] Anticipates that the CGSTA Junior program committee would provide the
            medallion trophy package only to the SCTP.

       3] Funds received as donations by the Junior Program would be used to defray
            the costs of CGSTA Juniors that shoot the week of the State Shoot.

       4] Any residual funds that may occur – with Board approval – be donated to the
            SCTP to be divided equally among the five teams going to the Grand

       General discussion ensued resulting in no motions being presented for action.

New business:

  Director Reynolds brought back to the floor the bid from Don Black:

                        Motion:  Reynolds       Second:  Yamaguchi     
                        To approve the bid from Don Black for photography
                        at the 2005 State Shoot.
                              Passed:  by voice vote

  President Martinusen brought back to the floor the letter of complaint from William Ellis.  The President had the Secretary read the letter in its entirety.  The primary context of the letter was a complaint against members of the Kingsburg Gun Club with him also stating that a CGSTA director was hostile and threatening towards him.  Also within the letter Mr. Ellis reported that he did not shoot the Sunday handicap due to the incident and he had not received a refund for that event.  President Martinusen reported that he had spoken with the parties involved and that the Gun Club had taken no action regarding Mr. Ellis and did not intend to do so nor had the Club banned Mr. Ellis and his wife from shooting at the facility as Mr. Ellis reported. 

During the discussion of the issue it was suggested that if a refund check needed to be issued then send a letter recognizing the receipt of his letter

and the Board noted its’ contents and hoped to see him at the State Shoot.

Old business:

  Director Mayhue brought back to the floor the letter received from Grubby’s to use the 2005 State Shoot logo.  Discussion occurred resulting in the following:

                        Motion:  Kirby          Second:  Slough        
                        To approve Grubby’s to use the 2005 State Shoot
                              Passed:  by voice vote

  Director Brasser brought to the floor the logo for the 2005 State Shoot program.  He presented three versions that he had developed.  The Board voted as follows:

            1. modified version of California quarter – hand count – 3

            2. broken target – hand count – 1

            3. Presidential pin – hand count – balance of the floor

    Discussion continued resulting in the following:

      1. Director Brasser released the artwork to the CGSTA Board.

      2. Board determination regarding restrictions of use:

                        Motion:  Reynolds       Second:  Kirby         
                        To remove the “specifically prohibited” items from
                        the letters issued to those that request to use the
                        logo.  No other changes to that letter.
                              Passed:  by voice vote

  Update regarding the Western Zone.  At the prior meeting the Southern site vote had been tabled until this meeting for the purpose of seeing if another club wished to submit a bid.  Director Sachau had contacted the President reporting that San Diego did not wish to host the shoot.  At the discretion of the President all date reporting and pocket schedule shows the Southern site as Redlands Trap & Skeet – the only other club in the South to submit a bid.

  Director Brasser brought back to the floor his presentation regarding the State Teams and his review/proposals of changing the team requirements.  Discussion ensued resulting in the following:

                        Motion:  Kirby          Second:  Johnson       
                        To table the issue to the February meeting.
                              Passed:  by voice vote

With no further business being brought to the floor:

                        Motion:  Sachau         Second:  Kirby         
                        To adjourn at 12:14 p.m.
                              Passed:  by voice vote



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