FEBRUARY 28, 2004
President Kirby called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Don Bunch Tom Goss Ed Hammond Dan Hoffman Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayue Fred Piazza |
Brasser Virginia Crawford Ken Eltrich Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau Bob Slough |
Also in attendance: Jim Elliott
President Kirby announced that we would have a slight change in the agenda. Mr. Jim Elliott wanted to speak to the Board. The floor was turned over to Mr. Elliott at this time.
Mr. Elliott introduced himself to the Board and announced that the reason he was in attendance was to protest a decision that was made at the last State Shoot - the Veterans Championship. Mr. Elliott went on to explain to the Board what he felt had transpired and the resulting decisions that were made.
At the end of Mr. Elliott's presentation there were a few questions asked of Mr. Elliott for clarification.
President Kirby thanked Mr. Elliott for his attendance and stated that the Board would discuss the issue later in the meeting and he would be informed of the outcome. Director Ver Halen reported that he would be seeing Mr. Elliott the following day and would relay the Board's decision on the issue. Mr. Elliott responded that he would accept the Boards' decision on the matter and "let it go at that". Mr. Elliott thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak to them.
Minutes of Prior Meeting:
Motion: MayhueSecond: Fleming
To approve minutes of prior meeting as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Secretary reported that there were a few emails amongst Board members that she had been copied.
1. Rec'd 12/26/03 - copy of summary/update on ATA relocation issued by ATA President Kaiser from Delegate Williamson.
2. Rec'd 01/16/04 - copy of relocation announcement issued by ATA Executive Committee and Board of Directors from Delegate Williamson.
3. Rec'd 02/12/04 - fax from Treasurer Fleming - bid proposal from Norm Volponi for the cashiering at the 2004 State Shoot.
4. Rec'd 02/17/04 - request from Dan Peterson for the 100,000 target award.
5. Rec'd 02/20/04 - formal request from Triple B for the $500 added money for the 2004 Western Zone.
6. Rec'd 02/20/04 - booklet from the ATA "Advisory Opinions and Policy Statements".
Director Reynolds asked if the Board had received a response from the California Hall of Fame on the letter he had issued more than a year ago. Secretary responded that she had not received any response letter.
Delegates' Report:
Delegate Williamson reported that the ATA had finally received official notice as to when they had to be off the grounds in Vandalia - at the conclusion of the 2005 Grand American. Currently the existing trap fields will be available for the 2004 Grand but will be short thirty traps on the West bank.
Reported that the ATA had been in negotiations with Sparta, Illinois and Las Vegas, Nevada. It was found that it would be a year or two before Las Vegas would start developing their site and therefore did not submit a bid to the ATA. In January 2004 the ATA made the decision to go to Sparta. Delegate Williamson displayed a site plan for the new grounds. Reported that the ATA will have a ten year contract with Sparta and they will build the entire facility at no cost to the ATA. Reported that Sparta will charge $3.00 per shooter per event - what the ATA will pay Sparta to be able to shoot at the site. ATA anticipates that the shooters will pay what they are paying now as they no longer will have the maintenance fee.
New/Replacement Directors:
All three Zone Vice Presidents reported that there were no changes in their Zones.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Fleming provided a comprehensive review of the current profit and loss statement per date.
Motion: SachauSecond: Slough
To approve Treasurers' report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
2004 State Shoot Program:
1. Kingsburg contract: President Kirby reported that Robert Terry is reporting that there should be no change in the target costs from last year. Also reported that they would provide the junior targets for six cents less than the contract price.
2. President Kirby reported that he had also discussed with Robert Terry having white targets available for shoot-offs especially for the Championship events. Discussion ensued on the issue resulting in the following:
Motion: SachauSecond: Bunch
To leave as is - no change for white targets.
Passed: by voice vote3. Director Fleming reported that the following items were still needed for the program: information regarding the ladies and juniors clinic; Presidents' letter. Stated that program would go to the printer approximately March 10.
Committee Review:
Trophy Committee reported that this years' State Shoot would be primarily a buckle shoot. The trophies for Event 4 [Memorial Event] will be iceberg trophies. Reported that currently they were running under budget.
Old Business:
1. Director Sachau reported that the Junior Program committee had sent out a letter requesting donations for the program. Also reported that the SCTP/CGSTA program would be held on Saturday, June 19 and requested that all Directors that were on the grounds provide assistance - there will be parents assisting but we need the Directors as well.
2. Director Fleming reported on the new computers for the State Shoot office. He provided a presentation of the computerized leader board that he is suggesting we setup this year.
3. President Kirby brought to the floor the idea of charging the shooter for squading later than their presquad forms were set for. Discussion ensued on the issue resulting in the following:
Motion: MayhueSecond: Bunch
To table the issue to a later meeting.
Passed: by voice vote4. President Kirby informed Delegate Williamson that he had heard that the land line for Coon Creek would not be actually at the club but at the house closest to the club. He asked that she check with Coon Creek regarding this issue so that the club stayed within the criteria of the Western Zone.
5. The bid from Norm Volponi for the cashiering at the State Shoot was brought back to the floor for discussion.
Motion: MayhueSecond: Yamaguchi
To approve the bid for cashiering.
Passed: by voice vote6. The return of the Outers speaker heads and their storage was discussed.
7. President Kirby brought to the floor the issue of the State Teams. He informed the Board that there were some major issues that needed resolving and asked that they look at the packet of information that the Secretary had provided to the Board. He reported that the problem did not lie with target or zone requirements - but with the application requirement. Issue immediately went to the floor under discussion resulting in a preliminary motion as follows:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Goss
If ATA provided all information - to use hi-point leaders to develop teams.Under discussion of the motion a more in-depth explanation of the process used to develop the list used for the teams was provided. Based on this explanation - Director Mayhue withdrew his motion.
Discussion continued on the established criteria and whether or not it was felt that the shooters had been sufficiently notified as to the application requirement. It was pointed out that the application requirement had been printed in the 2003 State Shoot program in bold print. Discussion continued resulting in the following:
Motion: SachauSecond: McCullough
To place people on the State Team regardless of whether they submitted an application or not - if they qualified.
Failed: by hand count..... yes... 6
no... 12
abstain. 1Discussion continued resulting in the following:
Motion: Brasser Second:
To eliminate the application process for subsequent years.Under additional discussion of the motion Director Sachau withdrew his second on the motion.
Motion dies for lack of a second.
8. President Kirby brought back to the floor the issue of Mr. Jim Elliott's presentation to the Board. He informed the Board that the Shoot-off Committee had set in writing the decision it had made regarding Mr. Elliott and that the Executive Committee had met and had agreed to accept the decision that was made and to make no change. President Kirby stated that Mr. Elliott requested to speak to the Board on the issue and he felt that the Board could hear Mr. Elliott's presentation rather than hear from just the EC.
Floor was opened to discussion with questions being posed and responses provided by Directors Reynolds, Fleming and Crawford as well as President Kirby. Discussion concluded resulting in the following:
Motion: BunchSecond: Martinusen
To leave the decision of the Executive Committeein place.
Passed: by voice vote9. Secretary updated the Board on the copier. She reported that we did get a renewal of the maintenance contract with an increase of $40 in the price. Also reported that there were some problems going on with the unit that she was in hopes that would be able to be repaired but also estimated that we would be lucky if we could keep it going for another year.
New Business:
None brought to the floor.
With no further business being brought before the Board
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Goss
To adjourn meeting at 1:03 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote