FEBRUARY 12, 2005
President Martinusen called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Those answering roll call:
Northern Central Southern
David Fleming Don Bunch Ray Brasser
Jim McCullough Kevin Erwin Virginia Crawford
Carl Reynolds Tom Goss Dan Kirby
David Ver Halen Ed Hammond Bob Slough
Ken Yamaguchi Dan Hoffman Dicksie Spolar
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen
Jonas Mayhue
Ray Phillips
Fred Piazza
John Silva
Minutes of Prior Meetings:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Piazza
To approve minutes for 10/06/04 meeting as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Motion: Johnson Second: Kirby
To approve minutes for 12/11/04 meeting as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Secretary reported that there was not a lot of correspondence received since the previous meeting:
1] Rec’d 12/14/04 – notice from ATA regarding the rebate – total this year is
2] Rec’d 01/03/05 – letter from Chrisie from Grubby’s regarding her ad in the
State Shoot program – Secretary emailed her with Chairman Brasser’s
information to discuss the ad.
3] Rec’d 01/06/05 – letter from ATA regarding the ATA Hall of Fame Purse in our
2005 State Shoot program as well to whom to ship the trophy and the dates of
the shoot.
4] Rec’d 01/06/05 – letter from ATA regarding the Youth Program Team competition
and it’s trophies.
5] Rec’d 01/06/05 – letter from ATA providing a list of the ATA trophies being
provided by them for the 2005 State Shoot.
6] Rec’d 01/07/05 – update letter from Rydin Decal Company.
7] Rec’d 01/26/05 – letter from ATA regarding the new “Big 50 Program”.
8] Rec’d 02/05/05 – copy of letter issued by ATA to Kenneth Ingram acknowledging
the receipt of his reinstatement fee and that is suspension had been lifted.
Secretary reported that other than some copies of emails amongst committee
members – correspondence is complete.
Delegates Report:
Delegate Williamson reported on the new ATA location in Sparta, Illinois.
New/Replacement Directors:
Northern Zone – reported no change.
Central Zone – reported no change.
Southern Zone – reported they had a new director:
Motion: Slough Second: Kirby
To nominate Patrick Jenk as Southern director.
Passed: by voice vote
Treasurers Report:
Treasurer Fleming answered question regarding the report provided at the December meeting.
Motion: Reynolds Second: Yamaguchi
To approve treasurers’ report for 10/06/04 as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Treasurer Fleming presented the current financial standing of the Association:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Slough
To approve treasurers’ report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
State Shoot Program:
President Martinusen reported that the negotiation committee met with members of the Kingsburg Gun Club this morning. He reported that Kingsburg reported that they were going to have to increase the target price for the 2005 State Shoot from 18.7 cents to 18.9 cents per target. Minimal discussion occurred.
Discussion opened regarding the price to charge for targets at the 2005 State Shoot resulting in the following:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Yamaguchi
To set the target price at $27 for the 2005 State Shoot.
Passed: by hand count – yes....20
no.... 1 [Hoffman]
Presidential abstain
It was brought to the Boards attention that the page in the program reporting the nominations for the directors for the upcoming year needed to be changed. The wording used needed to reflect that the list shown was a preliminary list – not the final one – and was subject to change. Secretary reported that the final list of nominations were given to her on Friday before the meeting and presented at the meeting and program page needed to reflect that. Minimal discussion ensued resulting the following:
Motion: Spolar Second: Johnson
To change the nomination page to reflect that the list was
preliminary and subject to change.
Passed: by voice vote
The Treasurer brought to the Boards attention to the need to establish wording regarding refunds to shooters who withdraw from an event without notifying anyone until after the entire shoot is completed. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Goss Second: Slough
To place statement in the program showing:
If a shooter withdraws from an event or the entire
State Shoot a refund will only be given if the
cashier’s office is notified either in person or by
telephone during the State Shoot.
Passed: by voice vote
It was brought to the floor the need to establish whether the Board was going to maintain the same price for Juniors shooting the State Shoot or if their price would increase as well. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Kirby Second: Slough
To increase Juniors target price to $22 – for those Juniors
not playing purses and options only.
Passed: by voice vote with 5 opposed
Committee Reports:
President Martinusen reviewed the committee list requesting the chairs provide any updates or addition information.
Zone Shoot Committee Chair presented the following motion:
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Mayhue
To present the Zone Team bags at the Zone Shoot site.
Passed: by voice vote
Continuing the review of Committee, President Martinusen reported to the Secretary that he would like to have Jim McCullough and Gary Beer added to the Grievance Committee and Bob Slough reported that he would like to be added to the Line Referee Committee.
New Business:
None presented.
Old Business:
Director Brasser brought to the floor the order for State Shoot pins. Reported that in order to have enough pins for the Juniors that shot the SCTP program he felt the order should be increased.
Motion: Brasser Second: Yamaguchi
To increase the State pin order to 1300 pins.
Passed: by voice vote
Director Fleming brought back to the floor the Northern Zone team conflict from the 2004 State Shoot. He provided some score totals and scenarios resulting in the varying gathering of the scores. Reported that one variable resulted in a tie with the Central Zone. He suggested getting duplicate trophies for the Northern team. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Kirby
To leave the results as previously determined by the Executive
Committee and the Board.
Passed: by voice vote with 2 opposed
Director Mayhue as By-Law Committee chair brought to the floor issue of the request to change the By-Laws to change the Zone lines for the Central/Northern Zones and presented a packet of information for the Board’s review. Secretary reminded Director Mayhue that no vote could take place on his presentation due to the fact that the info packet was not given to the Board thirty (30) days prior to presentation. During discussion it was reported that it had been stated that there was approximately forty (40) shooters that would be affected by this line change – it was suggested that Newman prepare a petition for these shooters to determine if in fact they were in favor of changing the boundary lines of the Northern Zone.
Director Brasser brought back to the floor recommendations for changes to the State Team requirements. Each recommendation was presented as a motion as follows:
Motion: Brasser Second: Spolar
To remove the requirement that shooters must apply to the
CGSTA Secretary – would apply to the 2006 target year for
the 2007 State Team.
During discussion – the following motion was made:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Bunch
To table the issue until the shooters have been polled.
Passed: by hand count....Yes....13
No.... 5
Abstain.... 4
Additional discussion on the issue suggested doing a
shooter poll at the State Shoot.
Continuing with his presentation Director Brasser recommended the removal of the restriction that only targets shot in California, at the ATA Grand American, and the Spring, Golden West, and Western Satellite Grands be considered in the average computations.
Motion: Brasser Second: Kirby
That all targets shot be counted in average computations.
By hand count.....Yes....11
No.... 7
Motion failed as yes count does not qualify as majority
Motion: Spolar Second: Johnson
To add issue as a poll for the shooters at the State Shoot.
Passed: by hand count....Yes...9
Continuing his presentation Director Brasser recommended changing the special category team’s count from 15 members to 10 members.
Motion: Brasser Second: Reynolds
To change the Women’s, Vet’s, Sr. Vet’s, Junior’s, Sub-Junior’s
Teams to be comprised of 5 First Team and 5 Honorable Mention.
Passed: by hand count....Yes....18
No.... 1
Abstain.... 1
For clarification Director Brasser stated this effected the
2006 target year for the 2007 teams.
Continuing his presentation Director Brasser recommended lowering the target requirements for the special category shooters. Discussion ensued with no motion being placed on the floor.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Kirby Second: Johnson
To adjourn at 1:10 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote