Subject To
Board Approval
For information only
FEBRUARY 9, 2002
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Those answer roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming | Gary Beer | Keith Ansley |
Jim McCullough | Don Bunch | Tony Benigno |
Carl Reynolds | Tom Goss | Virginia Crawford |
Ken Yamaguchi | Gil Martinusen | James Drake |
Jonas Mayhue | Jim Edwards | |
John Musick | Ken Eltrich | |
Ray Phillips | John Hawker | |
John Silva | Dave Hudson | |
Richard Troup | Dan Kirby | |
William Martin | ||
Kurt Sachau | ||
Wendell Schroll |
President welcomed guest that
were attending - Ray Brasser and Dicksie Spolar.
Late arrival by Northern Director Jim Foster.
Minutes of prior meeting
Motion: Ansley Second: Kirby
To approve prior minutes as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
1] Missed correspondence from the last meeting - bid received from Norm Volponi for the cashiering at the State Shoot.
2] Rec’d 12/15/01 - ATA Gun Club Newsletter. Reporting on the ten target sub-events.
3] Rec’d 12/15/01 - notice from ATA (forwarded to the treasurer) regarding the refund for this year. Total rebate to be received is $22,983.80
4] Rec’d 12/19/01 - copy of letter issued by the ATA to Eileen Williamson that complaint filed by Freddie Corley against her was unfounded and no action would be taken on the complaint.
5] Rec’d 12/22/01 - copy of letter issued by the Delegate Eileen Williamson to Tom Goss/Kern Co. Gun Club requesting verification of details for the Western Zone.
6] Rec’d 12/22/01 - copy of letter issued by the ATA to Robert Terry that the complaint filed by Duane Rae was not sustained and no action would be taken.
7] Rec’d 12/31/01 - notes from Lent Matthews and Y.W. Low applying for the State Team special categories - Veteran and Sr. Veteran.
8] Rec’d 01/29/02 - note from Kay Hoover that she had the Rookie Lady Trophy for the Singles Championship and would be bring it to the State Shoot.
9] Rec’d 01/07/02 - letter from ATA Trapshooting Hall of Fame regarding the Hall of Fame Contributor Purse and Award Program.
10] Rec’d 01/07/02 - letter from ATA Trapshooting Hall of Fame regarding the Division I, II, III Youth Program team awards.
11] Rec’d 01/07/02 - copy of trophies being supplied by the ATA for the State Shoot.
12] Rec’d 01/07/02 - copy of letter issued by ATA to Jim Gleason, President of the Paradise Rod & Gun Club congratulating the club on their recent victory in obtaining the use permit from Butte County to operate a gun club.
13] Rec’d 01/09/02 - fax from Eileen Williamson - copy of fax sent to David Fleming regarding the ad from Remington Arms for the State Shoot program.
14] Rec’d 01/30/02 - received from Jim Edwards a copy of an email he had received from Patty Grubbs. This email reported that Grubbys would not be donating the hats to the Junior program and did not want to commit to doing the shirts either. Stated that the Board had backed out on the commitment to them to do the shirts with the State Shoot Program logo they would not be donating this year.
15] Rec’d 01/29/02 - email from Augie Daddi reporting the name change of the Miramar Trap and Skeet Club to San Diego Shotgun Sports effective January 1, 2002.
Delegates Report
Delegate Eileen Williamson provided the Board with a copy of an update provided by the ATA on their efforts to move to Sparta, IL. Several points of this report were reviewed.
Reported that all the sites for the Western Zone had been chosen - Alaska, Alberta, California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Arizona, Nevada.
New/Replacement Directors
Northern Zone - no changes at this time.
Central Zone - no changes at this time.
Southern Zone - Motion: Kirby Second: Sachau
To nominate Craig Schusterick as Southern Director.
Passed: by voice vote
Tabled Motion
Motion: Hawker Second: Ansley
That the 9/29/01 disciplinary action voted on by the Board be recended and all disciplinary action be null and void against the people involved and no further action to be taken under any recourse.Motion: Sachau Second: Fleming
That a written ballot be used to vote on the motion.
Passed: by hand count - yes....16
no..... 8
abstain... 2Ballot paper was passed to the Board and provided an opportunity to cast their vote.
Results of the written ballot are as follows:
Motion passed by written ballot.......yes....15
abstain.. 1
Treasurers Report
Treasurer Fleming provided a breakdown as to the cash in the bank and the current total for assets. Also reported that to date our income was running about even with last year and the expenses were approximately 40% below last year.
Director Schroll requested information regarding the budget and requested a copy of the full budget.
State Shoot Program
Director Fleming presented a new working copy of the 2002 State Shoot Program. Stated that if anyone found any errors to let him know so that they could be corrected before it was sent to the printer.
Discussions ensued regarding the State Shoot resulting in the following:
Motion: Goss Second: Martinusen
That the juniors shoot for $18.50 targets.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Reynolds Second: Ansley
To award cashiering to Norm Volponi based on bid submitted.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Sachau Second: Yamaguchi
To offer Steve Carmichael same contract as 2001 for voice pulls.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Mayhue Second: McCullough
To leave target price at $25.00 for 2002.
Passed: by voice vote
Committee Reports
State Shoot committees were reviewed and discussed.
New Business
Director Reynolds brought to the floor that he feels that the Board should participate in the Hall of Fame. With discussion the following motion was presented:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Edwards
To write a letter to the California Hall of Fame requesting two seats back on the Hall of Fame Board of Directors - any previous position taken on their directors sitting our Board be recended.
Passed: by voice voteDirector Goss brought to the floor the 2002 Western Zone:
Motion: Goss Second: Sachau
Kern Co. Gun Club requests $1000 from the CGSTA for Western Zone added money.
Passed: by voice vote
Old Business
Secretary brought back to the floor the issue of the Past Presidents pins. Reported that we had one pin left and no record as to when they were last purchased or what was paid for them. The last remaining pin was given to Director Bunch to obtain a price to reproduce the pin. The current information available is that we would need to purchase a minimum of 100 pins and the cost would be +/- $3.50 per pin.
Discussion ensued.Motion: Kirby Second: Musick
To order 100 Past Presidents pins.
Passed: by voice vote
1 nay by HudsonDirector Bunch brought back to the floor the State Team Criteria presented at the last meeting.
Motion: Reynolds Second: Yamaguchi
To change the State Team requirements as presented at the Sept 29, 2001 meeting.Discussion ensued resulting in:
Amendment to motion by Sachau agreed by Reynolds To remove the runner-up requirement for the CGSTA regularly scheduled monthly shoots - the 2 point categoryDiscussion continued resulting in:
Amendment to motion by Sachau agreed by Reynolds
All shooters must apply by January 15 of each year with the State SecretaryDiscussion continued resulting in the following vote:
Passed: by hand count..... yes..... 15
no...... 7Director Bunch brought back to the floor the development of an achievement award for shooters previously presented at the September 29 meeting.
Motion: Edwards Second: Martin
To accept the suitable award for total target accomplishment.
Passed: by voice voteDirector Bunch also presented a copy of a medal that would be struck for presentation to the shooters that achieve the target accomplishment.
Motion: Kirby Second: Drake
To accept the design for the 100,000 medallion as presented and to order 300.
Passed: by voice voteWith no further business being presented:
Motion: Edwards Second: McCullough
To adjourn meeting at 1:55 p.m.
Subject To
Board Approval
For information only