JANUARY 25, 2003
President Reynolds called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Carl Reynolds Ron Taylor David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Don Bunch Tom Goss Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayhue John Musick John Silva Joe Woods |
Crawford Jim Edwards Ken Eltrich Dave Hudson Dan Kirby |
Late arrival by William Martin and Wendell Schroll.
Minutes of prior meeting:
Motion: Fleming Second: Taylor
To approve minutes of November 16, 2002 as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Secretary reported on several copies of email that she had received. Most of the emails were copies of correspondence amongst the Board members.
Other correspondence received:1] Rec’d 11/29/02 – from Norm Volponi a proposal to perform the cashiering duties at the 2003 State Shoot. Discussion was deferred to new business.
2] Rec’d 12/16/02 – from ATA reporting on the refund to be received this year. The amount of the refund will be $21, 092.40. Secretary provided the ATA with the Treasurers’ name and address for issuance of the check as well as the Trophy Chairman’s name and address for the ATA trophies to be shipped.
3] Rec’d 12/23/02 – from ATA reporting on the 2003 ATA trophy list. List has been forwarded to the Trophy Chairman.
4] Rec’d 12/07/02 by the President – from ATA reporting they were in receipt of the letter issued by the President regarding voter qualification for election of ATA Delegates and Alternates and the use of the Annual CD reporting that shooters had their ATA dues paid.
5] Rec’d 12/07/02 by the President – from Chrisie Brooks, owner of Grubbys in which she questioned the right of exclusive use once the license fee was paid. Response to Ms. Brooks was handled by the President on December 10 in which he explained the license fee was for non-exclusive permission to reproduce the logo for clothing items only. Secretary reported that in subsequent correspondence Ms. Brooks opted to not pay the license fee.
6] Rec’d 12/24/02 by the President – from ATA in response to the letter issued by the President requesting a change in order to use the ATA CD to confirm a shooters paid status in order to vote. Letter reported that the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws were specific as to the requirements for proof of membership in good standing. Reported that the ATA Executive Committee did not have the authority to change a By-Law or Article of Incorporation, therefore, the safest course of action for any State Association to determine proof of membership is the "paper card in hand" method.
7] Rec’d 01/06/03 – from ATA reporting on the 2003 Youth Trapshooting trophies for coaches and sponsors of each division. As the State Association does not have such a program no information was provided to the ATA.
8] Rec’d 01/06/03 – from ATA information on the 2003 Hall of Fame Contributor Purse and Award for the 2003 State Shoot. Information was provided to the ATA regarding the dates of the State Shoot and the Trophy Chairman’s name and address.
9] Rec’d 01/08/03 – from William Hunter thanking the Secretary for sending him some copies of the shoot calendar for last year.
10] Rec’d 01/10/03 – from ATA copy of letter issued to Michael Hardy informing him of his suspension from ATA due to a bad checks issued to them.
11] Rec’d 01/16/03 – note from Southern Zone Director James Drake reporting that he did not wish to be re-nominated for the Board.
12] Rec’d 01/21/03 – from Trap & Field information regarding advertising in the Trap & Field as well as copy that can be used in State Shoot programs as filler ads.
13] Rec’d 01/25/03 – letter from The California Trapshooting Hall of Fame in response to the letter issued by the Board. The letter reported that the Hall of Fame Rules would have to be amended to reflect the addition of two members. Reported that the HOF Directors were unable to come to a unanimous decision regarding this matter and voted to "table" any further discussion until their next Annual meeting.
Delegates Report:
Delegate Williamson provided the Board with a copy of the new "cross-registration" approved by the ATA in agreement with the PITA. Information provided reported that not all clubs would be doing this but could offer the cross-registration at their shoots. Some discussion occurred on the issue.
New/Replacement Directors:
Northern Zone – reported no changes.
Central Zone – reported no changes.
Southern Zone – reported no changes.
Treasurers’ Report:
Treasurer Fleming provided the Board with current balances in the funds as well as an update regarding current year to date income/loss. Also reported that in comparison to the previous year we were showing a decrease in not only day fees received but also in memberships received. Also reported that there had been a $1500 increase in the Associations insurance fee. With no further discussion:
Motion: Kirby Second: Mayhue
To approve Treasurers’ report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
2003 State Shoot Program:
Director Fleming reported on the items that were still needed for the program. Reported that advertising was still needed – currently received is down from last year. Any additional information for the program should be in to Fleming by February 20 with a projected date of the information going to the printer on March 3.
Director Mayhue brought to the floor the idea of not using a glossy cover for the State Shoot program. Fleming reported that the cover could be converted to a black and white rendition on a heavy card stock paper. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Bunch Second: Mayhue
To go to a black and white cover for the State Shoot program.
Failed: by hand count - yes - 2, no - 18, abstain - 1After a short break and prior to resuming discussion on the State Shoot program the President brought to the floor the new pocket shoot schedule. Reported that by changing to the new four-fold schedule the Association had gone from approximately $1600 out of pocket expense to $347. Director Yamaguchi reported that he had received several comments regarding the lack of gun club address and phone information. Suggested that we prepare a flyer style listing of the gun clubs that could be handed to new shooters as well as the gun clubs posting this information at the club. It was determined that the Secretary would prepare these flyers and send to the clubs. No motion was presented.
Upon reopening the discussion on the 2003 State Shoot program, President Reynolds brought to the floor the format of the Annual Meeting and Elections at the State Shoot. Presented the concept of opening the annual meeting on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. and keeping the business limited to 1] roll call 2]treasurers’ report 3] nominations for directors 4] nominations for delegate and alternates. At this point the meeting would go to recess and any member voting could be conducted on Saturday; the meeting would then be reconvened on Sunday morning. Elections results would be announced and if a run-off election was required if would be conducted that day and the balance of the meeting would be conducted. A lengthy discussion ensued on the issue resulting in the following:
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Mayhue
To start the annual meeting on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. Limited business schedule to be conducted and the meeting placed in recess; any voting required would occur between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.. [ Meeting reconvened on Sunday morning and business being concluded. ] Additional discussion ensued resulting in the following:Amend portion of motion to read:
Meeting to reconvene on Sunday morning to conclude balance of annual meeting requirements and to conduct a run-off election if necessary.
Passed: by voice votePresident Reynolds brought back to the floor the issue of the voice pulls used at the State Shoot and the discussion from the previous meeting.
Director Yamaguchi reported that the new person handling the Canterbury system provided the following quote:
20 units for 6 days at $40 per day plus transportation and lodging for 6 days for an approximate total of $6080 for the six days.Also reported on the purchase of 20 units as follows:
if previously rented units - $995 each with 2 free if new units - $1095 each with 2 freeDirector Martinusen reported that he and Gary Beer had been unable to get a dollar amount quote on the new Outers system. Reported that they wanted the request for a quote be sent to them on company letterhead.
A lengthy discussion ensued on the issue resulting in the following:
Motion: Taylor Second: Goss
That the Executive Committee be authorized to get the best price for the voice pull system and purchase 20 units and spare parts.
Passed: by voice votePresident Reynolds brought to the floor the need to set the target price for the State Shoot. As information towards that need he reported the results of the Negotiating Committees’ meeting with Kingsburg this morning on target price for the 2003 State Shoot. Reported that there would be an increase in the cost but also reported that the increase would not be as high as it could have been. The Negotiating Committee agreed to a fee increase from 18.5 to 18.7 cent per target.
Discussion continued on the issue resulting in the following motions:
Motion: Kirby Second: Yamaguchi
To set the target fee at $27 per 100 at the 2003 State Shoot.
Failed: by hand count - yes - 6, no – 14, abstain - 1Motion: Johnson Second: Edwards
To set the target fee at $26 per 100 at the 2003 State Shoot.
Passed: by hand count – yes - 12, no - 4, abstain - 5Motion: Martin Second: Edwards
To increase daily fees to $3 with the $1 increase to be earmarked as target cost deferment for the State Shoot – increase to begin April 1, 2003.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Musick Second: Bunch
To set junior shooter target price at $21.
Passed: by hand count – yes - 14, no - 2, abstain - 4
Committee Reports:
1] President Reynolds reported that David Van Elgort was still providing an outstanding job with the web site. Director Kirby recommended that we recognize Mr. Van Elgort in some way for his work with the web site. Director Fleming reported he could do that recognition in the State Shoot program. No motion was placed on the floor.
2] Bylaw Committee – President Reynolds presented the committees recommendation for bylaw changes.
Motion: Mayhue Second: Woods
To approve as third and final reading Bylaw Amendments as presented by the Committee.
Passed: by voice vote3] Home Grounds Committee – Director Bunch reported that he had attended a meeting in Merced and things had not progressed any further than previously reported.
4] Director Bunch brought to the floor the Achievement Award that we have in place. Reported that we have had a poor response from the shooters in requesting the award. Reported that he would like to see the award promoted on our web site and explain how to request receiving the award.
Old Business:
1] President Reynolds brought to the floor the letter issued to the Hall of Fame requesting the placement of our President and Past President to their Board. Reported that we needed to deal with an old motion that stated that members of the CGSTA Board and the HOF Board could not sit on each other’s board concurrently. Reported that we needed to remove the obstacle placed in that motion. Discussion ensued resulting in the following motion:
Motion: Edwards Second: Musick
To remove from record the requirement that CGSTA and HOF Directors not sit each Board concurrently.
Passed: by voice vote2] President Reynolds brought to the floor the point system currently in place for the State Teams next year. Wanted to remind all directors that when they see a "C" and/or "D" class shooter with wins and ties on their cards they need to go up in class. Discussion ensued with no motion being required.
3] Director Mayhue brought back to the floor the Associations copier and the discussion of the last meeting regarding the copier. The Secretary reported that thanks to Director Edwards the copier was now in her office. Directors Edwards picked the copier up at Mr. Hudson’s and took it to Redlands at New Year’s and she picked it up. Also reported that she was having the copier completely gone through thanks to the existing service contract and was getting the unit back up to good working order. President Reynolds thanked Director Edwards for his assistance in retrieving the copier.
New Business:
1] Director Goss reported that the Kern County Gun Club has finally gotten their conditional use permit and intend to break ground for the new club location next weekend with the hopes that in April they will host their first shoot.
2] President Reynolds reported to the Board that he had spoken with Mr. Brad Jones this morning regarding the Directors’ dinner and he had one again offered to host the dinner at his residence.
3] Director Mayhue brought to the floor the Men’s State Teams. Reported that through discussion earlier he was asked when the Men’s Teams became ten members per 1st, 2nd, and Honorable Mention. Reported that several years ago the teams comprised of five members each and neither Director Mayhue nor Director Schroll could remember when or why it was changed. Any change that may be taken based on this discussion would have to begin with the teams being presented at the 2004 State Shoot since the preliminary teams has been posted for this year. With the budget constraints that the Association faces in consideration a motion was presented as follows:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Edwards
To have the Men’s 1st, 2nd, and Honorable Mention State teams be comprised of five (5) members each – to begin with the 2004 State Shoot.4] Director Kirby brought to the floor the shoot-offs at the State Shoot. Reported that it had been discussed that although we greatly appreciate the help that the five or six directors that continually help we need more participation from directors during shoot-off. We have established a schedule by Zone – the VP’s are asked that they get directors from their Zone to work the shoot-off on their nights. The proposed schedule is as follows:
Tuesday - Southern Zone
Wednesday - Northern Zone
Thursday - Central Zone
Friday - Southern Zone
Saturday - Northern Zone
Sunday - Central ZoneDirectors were reminded that just because it was not their Zone’s night for shoot-offs – it didn’t mean that their help would not be needed or used.
5] President Reynolds brought back to the floor the bid letter from Norm Volponi for the cashiering at the 2003 State Shoot.
Motion: Taylor Second: Yamaguchi
To accept bid from Volponi as presented but to include the 10% retention of funds until work is complete as per Volponi’s bid presented for the 2002 State Shoot.
Passed: by voice voteWith no further new business being presented, President Reynolds reminded the Board that the next meeting would be on June 23, 2003 starting at 11:00 a.m.
With no further business being presented:
Motion: Kirby Second: Edwards
To adjourn meeting at l:30 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote