Executive Committee
June 18, 2001
Subject To Board
information only
Kingsburg Gun Club
June 18, 2001
First Vice-President Ray Phillips called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.
Those attending meeting were:
Dave Fleming; Carl Reynolds; Ray Phillips; Gil Martinusen; Virginia Crawford; James Drake
The purpose of meeting is to determine target price to the junior shooters for the State Singles Championship.
Junior Program Chair James Drake reported that through the efforts of the committee they had been able to obtain enough donations to date that they had not touched their current budget. Also reported that with the donation of targets by White Flyer and Apple Valley Gun Club the juniors should be able to shoot for free.
Through discussion the following was developed:
Motion: Drake Second: Reynolds
For the juniors participating in the 2001 State Singles Championship - target fee will be refunded.Funding for the refund will be achieved by:
a) Kingsburg Gun Club will credit CGSTA with the cost of 1 pallet (63 cases) of White Flyer targets - 1/2 donated by White Flyer and 1/2 donated by Apple Valley Gun Club.
b) Remainder of refund will be funded by cash donations that have been received by the junior program.Refund checks will be issued after close of the State Shoot.
Passed: by voice vote
With no further business brought before the Executive Committee:
Motion: Martinusen Second: Fleming
To adjourn at 12:30 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote
Subject To Board
information only