Subject To
Board Approval
For information only
JUNE 24, 2002
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 11:06 a.m.
Those answering roll call:
Northern | Central | Southern |
Steve Carafa | Gary Beer | Virginia Crawford |
David Fleming | Don Bunch | James Drake |
Jim McCullough | Kevin Erwin | Jim Edwards |
Carl Reynolds | Tom Goss | Dan Kirby |
Ken Yamaguchi | Myles Johnson | Kurt Sachau |
Gil Martinusen | Wendell Schroll | |
Ray Phillips | ||
Ron Scholta | ||
John Silva | ||
Dick Troup |
Also in attendance was ATA Delegate Eileen Williamson.
Minutes of prior meeting:
Motion: Fleming Second: Reynolds
To approve prior minutes as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
President and Secretary reported that there was no major correspondence to report. The gun clubs received notification of the new rule pertaining to eye and ear protection for field help. Secretary reported that the only other correspondence was copies of emails between committees as things were being setup and finalized for the State Shoot.
Delegates report:
Delegate Williamson reported that there was problem with shooters that were signing up after having not shot for several years. ATA rule states that they must shoot at their last known yardage and do not get to restart at the 20 yard line. Reported that directors should ask what yardage they thought they shot and handicap them at that yardage - discourage them from playing any money in case that yardage is wrong - contact ATA on Monday to find out what the yardage should be.
The new rule regarding to eye and ear protection pertains to shooters as well as field help.
Reported that she would be handing out a survey on possible rule changes that would be brought up at the Grand this year. Several comments were made regarding the wording of some of the questions and their meanings - Williamson reported that the wording was to be changed at the Grand but at this time this was what had been given to the Delegates.
New/Replacement Directors:
Secretary reported that the Northern Zone was the only zone with open slots and Zone Vice President Reynolds reported that they had no changes to report at this time.
Treasurers report:
Treasurer Fleming reported that we had a record number of presquads this year - 459 vs 224 last year. Reported that the cost of the State Shoot program was $7000 and with the advertising this year brought the cost down to $4800 within reason of the budget. Also reported that on Sunday we signed up $51,000 in preshooter and we were off to a great start.
Reported that all invoices that needed to be paid under this years expenses should be turned in before the end of the week.
Committee reports:
Committee chairs reported on workings of their committees. Media chair reported that they were putting together a media shoot to be held on Wednesday in the hopes of generating some positive media - stated that Director Bunch was working on a trophy award for this event.
Directors were reminded that help would be needed on the handicap and shootoff committees.
New business:
Treasurer Fleming and Secretary Crawford brought to the floor the need for the association to have a storage facility that is dry. Current storage being used on the grounds at Kingsburg has created enough moisture to destroy some of the financial records that are being kept there. Secretary reported that she and the Treasurer were asking the Board if they would agree to the creation of a monthly charge to acquire a unit in a local storage facility in Kingsburg. Director Beer had been asked to check into pricing and availability.
Motion: Edwards Second: Yamaguchi
To approve CGSTA finding funds for the renting of a storage facility for corporate records.
Passed: by voice voteDirector Kirby brought to the floor the need to add a AAA class at the Zone Shoots. Reported that he felt that it was unfair that the AA shooters were having to compete against the AAA shooter and since we had AAA at the State the Zone should reflect the same classification. Also stated that if we didn’t add the AAA to the Zone then the team should be made up of the five highest scores. Discussion ensued on the topic and resulted in no motion being presented.
Old business:
None was brought to the floor.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Kirby Second: Erwin
To adjourn meeting at 11:48 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote
JUNE 30, 2002
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. and thanked the membership for attending.
Those answering roll call:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming | Don Bunch | Keith Ansley |
Jim McCullough | Richie Clodt | Tony Benigno |
Jessie Miyasaki | Kevin Erwin | Virginia Crawford |
Roger Reinsch | Tom Goss | James Drake |
Carl Reynolds | Myles Johnson | Jim Edwards |
Ken Yamaguchi | Gil Martinusen | Ken Eltrich |
Jonas Mayhue | John Hawker | |
John Musick | Dan Kirby | |
Ray Phillips | William Martin | |
Ron Scholta | Kurt Sachau | |
John Silva | Wendell Schroll | |
Richard Troup | ||
Joe Woods |
Treasurers report:
Treasurer Fleming provided a recap of funds available and total assets of the Association as of June 2, 2002. Reported that there were no outstanding accounts payable as of that date. Reported that the ATA refund received this year was $22,983.80. Additional information on the current State Shoot monies was provided.
Motion: McCullough Second: Erwin
To approve Treasurers report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Old business:
Member Wilber Postum brought back to the floor the issue of the member vote at the 2001 State Shoot regarding how the Delegate was elected - plurality vote - and what had the Board done about the issue.
Director Reynolds reported that we had two different legal opinions regarding the issue. The matter was before the Bylaw Committee and their current revision process and would be going back to legal council for review. Amended Bylaws would be presented to the Board for vote but currently the old Bylaw requirements are in place.
New business:
None was presented.
Nomination of directors:
Vice President Gil Martinusen presented the following nominations:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming | Greg Barnet | Keith Ansley |
Jim Foster | Gary Beer | Tony Benigno |
Jim McCullough | Don Bunch | Virginia Crawford |
Jessie Miyasaki | Richie Clodt | Tim Donahue |
Roger Reinsch | Kevin Erwin | James Drake |
Carl Reynolds | Tom Goss | Jim Edwards |
David Ver Halen | Myles Johnson | Ken Eltrich |
Ken Yamaguchi | Gil Martinusen | John Hawker |
Jonas Mayhue | Dave Hudson | |
John Musick | Dan Kirby | |
Ray Phillips | Terry Love | |
Ron Scholta | William Martin | |
John Silva | Kurt Sachau | |
Richard Troup | Wendell Schroll | |
Joe Woods | Craig Schusterick |
With no nominations from the floor:
Motion: Sachau Second: McCullough
To accept nominations as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Nominations for Delegate and Alternates:
was not a life member of ATA.Motion: Marascola Second: Bob Gioia
To nominate Eileen Williamson as ATA Delegate.
Motion: Ray Taber Second: Reynolds
That nominations be closed.Motion: Todd Olsen Second: Lock Campbell
To nominate Vickie Larkin as 1st Alternate Delegate.
Motion: Martin Second: Reinsch
That nominations be closed.Motion: Vickie Larkin Second:
To nominate David Van Elgort as 2nd Alternate Delegate.
Mr. Van Elgort declined nomination as he
Motion: Tom Larkin Second: Marascola
To nominate David Bishop as 2nd Alternate Delegate.
Motion: Edwards Second: Martinusen
That nominations be closed.
Note: all offices were unopposed.
Hall of Fame report:
Robert Gioia thanked everyone for their participation in the Hall of Fame raffles. Reported that this was the only manner in which the Hall of Fame derives money for their activities. Also reported on the maintenance that is planned for the coming year.
Mr. Gioia provided a review of the accomplishments of this years scholarship award. This years receiver is Ashley Lynch.
Mr. David Bishop provided a review of the accomplishments of this years inductee to the Hall of Fame. This years inductee is Patrick T. Moore.
Achievement awards:
Russell Hawes; William Hunter; Myles Johnson; Y. W. Low; Jim McCullough; Ron McMahan; Dan Powers; Paul Purdum, Sr.; David Van Elgort; Steve Williamson; Wilbur Wilson; Joe Woods; Al Yapelli; Gus YapelliFor shooters that had achieved a combined target count of 100,000 targets a medallion honoring that achievement was awarded:
David Bishop; Don Bunch; Lock Campbell; Richard Conner; James Drake;
For the good of the Association:
Director Edwards took the floor and thanked everyone that had been so generous in their support of this years Junior Program. Reported that we had a better program this year than ever before. Also read the names and scores of the winning Junior team from the Northern Zone - they shot a combined score of 991x1000.
Mr. Dick Marascola took the floor and stated that California was a glorious trapshooting State. Reported that what had transpired over the last two years was not good for the State. Stated that he hoped we could put that behind us and start a new journey in the benefit of the shooter of this State. He asked this Board of Directors to make a commitment to accept the job of the Board - with a new President coming in - to work toward the benefit of the shooters of this State.
Mr. Dave Bishop took the floor and thanked the members of the Kingsburg Gun Club for their efforts in providing a beautiful gun club and allowing us to hold our State Shoot here. He also thanked Ray Phillips for running a great State Shoot.
President Phiilips once again thanked everyone for coming and also thanked Kingsburg Gun Club for all their efforts. He also thanked committee chairs for all their efforts in working to provide a great shoot.
Delegates report:
ATA Delegate Eileen Williamson recapped the new rules placed in effect this year by the ATA. She thanked everyone that participated in the survey that she handed out during the State Shoot - she provided the results of the survey. Also reported that the ATA had been granted a two year extension on the Vandalia site but is still working towards new grounds.
Delegate Williamson called for Dan Powers and David Van Elgort and presented David Van Elgort with his 25,000 Singles pin and Dan Powers with his 100,000 Handicap pin. Also announced that if anyone had made the 27 yard line for the first time during the State Shoot to come to the handicap room and she would present them with their 27 yard line pin. She also recognized Vickie Craine for making the All American Ladies Second Team and Dan Bonillas for placing 3rd in the All Around Average Group Leaders in the Nation with a 97.40 average; placing 2nd in the All Around Average Group Leaders was Sean Hawley with a 97.51 average.
Central Handicap Committee report:
Dick Marascola took the floor and provided those in attendance with the statical information of shooting in California and across the Nation.
With no further business brought to the floor:
Motion: McCullough Second: Erwin
To adjourn meeting at 8:47 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote
JUNE 30, 2002
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
Those answering roll call:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming | Gary Beer | Keith Ansley |
Jim McCullough | Don Bunch | Tony Benigno |
Jessie Miyasaki | Richie Clodt | Virginia Crawford |
Roger Reinsch | Kevin Erwin | James Drake |
Carl Reynolds | Tom Goss | Jim Edwards |
Ken Yamaguchi | Myles Johnson | Ken Eltrich |
Gil Martinusen | John Hawker | |
Jonas Mayhue | Dan Kirby | |
John Musick | William Martin | |
Ray Phillips | Kurt Sachau | |
Ron Scholta | Wendell Schroll | |
John Silva | ||
Richard Troup | ||
Joe Woods |
Secretary report that the purpose of this meeting was to elect the new officers for the upcoming year 2002-2003:
Motion: Sachau Second: Phillips
To nominate Carl Reynolds as President.Motion: Scholta Second: Johnson
That nominations be closed.Motion: Sachau Second: Phillips
To nominate Dan Kirby as 1st Vice President.Motion: Mayhue Second: Johnson
That nominations be closed.Motion: Woods Second: McCullough
To nominate Gil Martinusen as 2nd Vice President.Motion: Mayhue Second: Troup
That nominations be closed.Motion: McCullough Second: Sachau
To nominate Ken Yamaguchi as 3rd Vice President.Motion: Mayhue Second: Kirby
That nominations be closed.Motion: Reynolds Second: Kirby
To nominate David Fleming as Treasurer.Motion: Musick Second: McCullough
That nominations be closed.Motion: Reynolds Second: Phillips
To nominate Virginia Crawford as Secretary.Motion: Scholta Second: Everyone
That nominations be closed.
In-coming President Reynolds presented out-going President Phillips a leather shooting bag in appreciation of all the work he did during his year.
In-coming President Reynolds reported that the tentative meeting dates for the new year are:
Sept 21, 2002 November 16, 2002 February 15, 2003 June 23, 2003
Director Fleming reported that although we had a good year for advertising for the State Shoot program several things were "last minute". Reported that he would like to see advertising start coming in in September. Asked that each zone get five full page ads.
Director Goss reported that they have finally crossed some of the final hurdles on their new club. Reported that they hope to be able to have six fields in by their Thanksgiving shoot and to let shooters know they will be back soon.
Director Bunch reported that he had been asked when does special category become effective. Does it change upon the birthdate? Based on ATA rule - what your class is at the start of the "target year" is how you end. ATA Rule Book, page 14, Rule D (5)(i) states: All age based categories established on the first day of the target year will continue as the same category through the entire target year, with the sole exception of Veterans which is effective on the veteran’s 65th birthday.
Additional questions were brought to the floor concerning the start of the new state team procedure. Accumulation of points for the state team will begin on September 1, 2002 - the start of the 2003 target year. Presentation of team trophies/certificates that will be given at the 2003 State Shoot will be for the target year 2002 - no change from the previous method of selecting the teams. Presentation of team trophies/certificates based on the new point system will be at the 2004 State Shoot.
Director Miyasaki brought to the floor a shooter question on whether the Board would reconsider the method in which HOA and HAA are calculated. After some discussion is was suggested that the issue/question be put in writing and brought to the Board at it’s first meeting of the new year.
Director Martinusen reported that he would like to see the Board continue the waiving of CGSTA dues for 1st time shooters for the 2003 target year.
time new shooters for 2003.Motion: Reynolds Second: Martinusen
To continue to waive the state dues for 1st
With no further business being presented:
Subject To Board ApprovalMotion: Ansley Second: Edwards
To adjourn meeting at 9:20 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote