JUNE 23, 2003
President Reynolds called the meeting to order at 11:07 a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jessie Miyasaki Carl Reynolds |
Don Bunch Richie Clodt Kevin Erwin Tom Goss Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Ray Phillips John Silva |
Crawford Jim Edwards Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau |
Late arrivals: Jim McCullough, David Ver Halen, Ken Yamaguchi, Gil Martinusen
Minutes of Prior Meeting:
Motion: Kirby Second: Johnson
To accept prior minutes as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Delegates Report:
Delegate Williamson reported that there was nothing new to report at this time except that she was conducting a survey on the proposed rule changes that were to be presented at the Grand this year.
New/Replacement Directors:
Northern Zone Vice President reported none at this time.
Central Zone Vice President reported none at this time.
Southern Zone Vice President reported none at this time.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Fleming reported that currently we were showing a net loss of $2500. He congratulated the Junior Program Committee for a job well done in getting donations for the program. Also reported that the presquad amount was slightly lower than last year but there were still a few to collect.
Sachau reported that the Junior Program would be collecting during the shoot. Reported that the Committee would like to help the scholastic program with sending teams to the Grand with any residual funds. Commented on the lack of Director participation in the donations to the fund.
1] Secretary reported that there had been a massive amount of email copies that had occurred amongst the committees and the President and Treasurer - reported that she did not bring them but if anyone was interest she would make them available at a later date.
2] Rec'd January 29, 2003 - letter of resignation from Ron Scholta - Central Zone - effective February 1, 2003.
3] Rec'd January 29, 2003 - copy of the Certificate of Liability Insurance - forwarded to Treasurer Fleming.
4] Rec'd February 8, 2003 - official notice from ATA on the cross registration agreement.
5] Rec'd March 5, 2003 - follow up notice from the PITA Secretary regarding the cross registration agreement and providing a listing of the various State/Provincial Secretaries and a copy of the 2003 PITA shoot schedule.
6] Rec'd March 31, 2003 - copy of ATA letter to Michael Hardy reporting the receipt of funds and the reinstatement of membership.
7] Rec'd April 3, 2003 - fax from ATA Delegate Williamson regarding the Manzanita Shooting Range and the suspension of the shoot date request. Secretary provided the Board with a little history regarding the request of shoot dates by Jim Heckroth for Manzanita and the subsequent negotiation problems the club was having with the Indian Council and the suspension of construction of the club.
8] Rec'd April 11, 2003 - email from Southern Director Terry Love in which she reported that she was looking for someone to replace her as Director at the Palmdale Fin & Feather Gun Club.
9] Rec'd May 5, 2003 - Memorandum from ATA reporting that the Executive Committee had voted to offer half price life membership to members age 65 and older. The new Veteran life membership would be $250 and the installment plan currently offered for life memberships would not be applicable.
10] Rec'd May 14, 2003 - letter from Louis and Janice Maltone reporting their new address.
11] Rec'd May 29, 2003 - note from Joe Wallace reporting an address correction.
12] Rec'd June 11, 2003 - letter from Bill Hunter thanking the Board for their invitation to the Directors dinner but reporting that he and Ruthie would be unable to attend.
13] Rec'd June 12, 2003 - note from Dr. and Mrs. James Green thanking the Board for their invitation to the Directors dinner but reported that they would be unable to attend.
14] Rec'd June 22, 2003 - President Reynolds received from B. J. Moore a request to look into having more than three team member Veterans for the State Teams. Secretary reported that we were noting that the letter had been received but that it was being turned over to the Criteria Committee for review and recommendation.
15] Rec'd June 22, 2003 - Secretary reported that she had received an envelope - based on information recorded on the front of the envelope - that she had not opened but would be turning over to the Criteria Committee - a petition from the Northern Zone to recall the point system for selecting the State Teams.
Director Sachau also wanted to recommend to the Criteria Committee that we look into the aspect of once again having a shoulder-to-shoulder competition of the Zone Teams at the State Shoot. It had once proven popular and would like to consider doing it again. President Reynolds requested that Director Sachau put his request along with additional ideas in writing to be presented at the next Board meeting.
State Shoot Committees:
President Reynolds went through the committee list and reviewed with all chairs any needs and any questions that needed to be answered. Several committee items were updated and reported upon by the chairs.
With no further business being brought before the Board:
Motion: Sachau Second: Silva
To adjourn meeting at 11:43 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote
President Reynolds called the meeting to order at
8:11 a.m. on Saturday, June 28, 2003.Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Roger Reinsch Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Gary Beer Don Bunch Richie Clodt Tom Goss Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Jonas Mayhue Ray Phillips John Silva |
Ansley Virginia Crawford Tim Donahue Jim Edwards Ken Eltrich Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau |
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Fleming provided statistical information regarding the balances in bank and investment accounts. Also provided information as to the current standing of income and loss for the eleven-month period just ended.
Motion: Dan Kirby Second: Myles Johnson
To accept treasurer's report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Nominations for Directors:
Third Vice President Ken Yamaguchi presented the nominations as follows:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim Foster Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Roger Reinsch Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Greg Barnet Gary Beer Don Bunch Richie Clodt Kevin Erwin Tom Goss Ed Hammond Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Jonas Mayhue John Musick Ray Phillips John Silva Joe Woods |
Ansley Virginia Crawford Tim Donahue Jim Edwards Ken Eltrich John Hawker Dan Kirby Bill Martin Kurt Sachau Bob Slough |
Nominations were opened to the floor resulting in the following:
Motion: Jim Edwards Second: Vickie Larkin
To nominate Gene Stephens as Southern Zone Director.
Motion: Jim Edwards Second: Vickie Larkin
To nominate Ray Brasser as Southern Zone Director.
Motion: Keith Ansley Second: Tim Donahue
To nominate Dicksie Spolar as Southern Zone Director.
Motion: Roger Reinsch Second: Myles Johnson
To close nominations.
Nominations for ATA Delegate and Alternates:
Third Vice President Ken Yamaguchi opened the floor to nominations for the ATA Delegate and two alternates resulting in the following:
Motion: Roger Reinsch Second: Tim Donahue
To nominate Eileen Williamson as ATA Delegate.
Motion: Dave Fleming Second: Myles Johnson
To close nominations.
Motion: Al Yapelli Second: Keith Ansley
To nominate Vickie Larkin as 1st Alternate.
Motion: Jonas Mayhue Second: Gil Martinusen
To close nominations.
Motion: Vickie Larkin Second:
To nominate Dave Bishop as 2nd Alternate.
Before a second was voiced Mr. Bishop declinedthe nomination.
Motion: Keith Ansley Second: Dave Fleming
To nominate Tim Donahue as 2nd Alternate.
Motion: Jim Edwards Second: Jonas Mayhue
To close nominations.
With no opposition to nominations of Directors or ATA Delegate and Alternates, President Reynolds congratulated those individuals and reported that there would not be the need for any ballot elections this year.
President Reynolds announced that the meeting was now placed in recess until 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Please plan to attend. Meeting was placed in recess at 8:20 a.m.
President Reynolds called the meeting back to order at 8:06 a.m. on Sunday, June 29, 2003.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Roger Reinsch Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Don Bunch Richie Clodt Kevin Erwin Tom Goss Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayhue Ray Phillips John Silva |
Crawford James Drake Jim Edwards Ken Eltrich Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau |
President Reynolds requested that the Secretary read the names of the newly elected Board of Directors for the 2003-2004 year.
Achievement Award:
Committee Chairman Don Bunch took the floor and reported to those in attendance the requirements necessary to receive the target achievement award. Reported that this was the second year that the 100,000 award was being presented and we have had 41 apply for the 100,000 award and 15 apply for the new 200,000 award.
Presented with their 100,000 target achievement award:
Gene Arsenault, Robert Gioia, Jack Horner, Kurt Sachau, Vern Stewart, Harold Vartikian, Jim Von Allmen, Rick Fowler, John Zarcone,
Presented with their 200,000 target achievement award:
Gene Arsenault, David Bishop, Don Bunch, Russell Hawes, Bill Hunter, Herb Kristian, Mike Mazzucchi, Ronnie McMahan, Dan Powers, Steve Williamson, Kurt Sachau, Augusta Yapelli, Albert Yapelli, John Zarcone
Hall of Fame Report:
Robert Gioia reported on the gracious donations made by the California Gun Clubs and Shooters. Reported that instead of presenting a scholarship award this year the Hall of Fame would be donating $500 to the youth program to help defray costs for sending a team to the Grand American.
Hall of Fame Inductee - Gary Bonetti
Norm Volponi presented those in attendance with the shooting history of this year's inductee Gary Bonetti. Reported that he had started shooting in 1972 at the age of 12 years old and went on to list his many accomplishments since he began.
Robert Gioia made the presentation of the inductee plaque.
For the good of the Association:
Kurt Sachau took the floor and reported on the Junior Program and the Scholastic Program. He introduced Mr. Gail Miller who heads the scholastic program in California. Mr. Sachau discussed the possibility of attempting to rearrange a few things for next year - things would be evaluated over the coming year. It has been a successful year in supporting the juniors and they hope to be able to send three teams to the Grand this year.
Delegates Report:
ATA Delegate Eileen Williamson reported the results of the survey that she had been conducting all week on the proposed changes that are to be brought to the meeting at the Grand.
1] change target distance from 48-52 yds to 49-51 yds yes - 46% no - 41%
2] change target heights from 8-12 feet to 8-10 feet yes - 37% no - 54%
3] if a shooter wins $500 or more in purses and options they should also receive 1 yard punch if not earned as
a result of that win yes - 48% no - 43%
4] if a shooter wins $1000 or more in purses and options they should also receive 1 yard punch if not earned as
a result of that win yes - 47% no - 42%
Reported that she would vote accordingly if these issues were brought to the Grand.
Also reported that there were three proposed sites for the relocation - Las Vegas, Nevada; Shelbyville, Indiana; and Sparta, Illinois. Reported that financial proposals from these locations were to be presented at the Grand and once these packages were made available she would vote accordingly.
Reported on the passing of John Zarcone this week and also reported that another Southern Zone shooter - Denny Wadkins - was in poor health and not doing well; there was a large get well card available for everyone to sign.
President Reynolds thanked the Board of Directors for all the good work that they have done this year and all the help they provided him over the year.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Dave Fleming Second: Jim Edwards
To adjourn at 8:35 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote
President Reynolds called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m.
Secretary reminded the newly elected members of the Board that their term begins on July 1. They are welcome to attend this meeting but if their name was not called on the roll call they did not have a vote on any issue brought to the floor.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Roger Reinsch Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Don Bunch Richie Clodt Kevin Erwin Tom Goss Dan Hoffman Myles Johnson Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayhue Ray Phillips John Silva |
Ansley Virginia Crawford Tim Donahue James Drake Jim Edwards Ken Eltrich Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau |
Secretary announced that the purpose of this meeting is to elect officers of the Board for the 2003-2004 year.
For the office of President:
Motion: Sachau Second: Martinusen
To nominate Dan Kirby.
Motion: Mayhue Second: Yamaguchi
To close nominations.
For the office of 1st Vice President:
Motion: Edwards Second: Erwin
To nominate Gil Martinusen
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Kirby
To close nominations.
For the office of 2nd Vice President:
Motion: Reinsch Second: Reynolds
To nominate Ken Yamaguchi
Motion: Kirby Second: Erwin
To close nominations.
For the office of 3rd Vice President:
Motion: Ansley Second: Donahue
To nominate Jim Edwards
Motion: Martinusen Second: Kirby
To nominate Kurt Sachau
Motion: Erwin Second: Kirby
To close nominations.
For the office of Treasurer:
Motion: Kirby Second: Martinusen
To nominate Dave Fleming
Motion: Mayhue Second: Kirby
To close nominations.
For the office of Secretary:
Motion: whole board Second: whole board
To nominate Virginia Crawford
Motion: whole board Second: whole board
To close nominations.
Secretary brought to the floor a request to consider...she asked how many of the Board members had email and how many had the capabilities of reading Word. The reason for the questions was that in a effort to reduce our mailing costs she would like the Board to consider receiving the minutes of the meetings by email rather than mail. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Kirby Second: Fleming
To send minutes of meeting by email to those that have it and regular mail to those that don't.
Passed: by voice vote
At this time the Secretary provided ballot forms for the voting for the office of 3rd Vice President.
While the ballots were being passed around Don Bunch reported that as the Criteria Committee Chairman he needed everyone that had any thoughts regarding the two issues that were turned over to the committee on Monday - additional veterans for the State Teams and the repealing of the point system for the State Teams - to those ideas and thoughts and/or changes down on paper and to him so that he could have everything ready for the first meeting of the year.
Gil Martinusen thanked all the Directors that helped to do the handicapping for the prestate shoot.
The floor was turned over to Jim Edwards and Kurt Sachau. They each gave a short speech on their desires to become the 3rd Vice President.
Results of the written ballots:
Jim Edwards - 8
Kurt Sachau - 15
President Reynolds took the floor to discuss the Outers Voice Release System. Reported that under the agreement of our purchase if we were dissatisfied with them we could return them and get our funds back or we could send the units to Outers and they would go over them to see if there were any problems that needed to be corrected and they also would update them with the latest technology next May and send them back to us at no cost. Reported that under the agreement he had made them warrant the units for two State Shoots - this year and next year. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Reinsch Second: Ver Halen
To send the Outers units back to Outers for the updates.
Passed: by voice vote
President Reynolds once again thanked the Board members for all their hard work this year and for volunteering to work the committees that they worked.
At this time 1st Vice President Dan Kirby presented out-going President Reynolds with his Past Presidents pin and 3rd Vice President presented him with a shooting bag for a job well done.
Director Mayhue took the floor requesting to know when it had changed that the past president pin was not presented during the Annual Meeting. Secretary responded that Mr. Hudson had changed the presentation place because he didn't want to do it during that meeting but behind our closed doors.
Motion: Mayhue Second: Goss
That the presentation to the out-going President be once again done at the end of the Annual
Meeting so that the members of the Association could see it.
Passed: by voice vote
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Ansley Second: Edwards
To adjourn meeting at 9:10 a.m.
Passed: by voice vote