California Golden State Trapshooters Association
Board of Directors
Kingsburg, CA
June 21, 2004
President Kirby called the meeting to order at 11:18 a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern Central Southern David Fleming
Jim McCullough
Carl Reynolds
Ron Taylor
David Ver Halen
Ken Yamaguchi
Gary Beer
Vickie Craine
Kevin Erwin
Tom Goss (late)
Ed Hammond
Dan Hoffman (late)
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen
Ray Phillips
Fred Piazza
John SilvaRay Brasser
Virginia Crawford
Jim Edwards
Dan Kirby
Kurt Sachau
Bob Slough
Gene Stevens
Minutes of prior meeting:
Motion: McCullough Second: Johnson
To approve prior minutes as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
1. Rec’d March 5 response from ATA to President Kirby clarifying the ATA rulebook as it relates to ATA provided category trophies for the Singles Event.
2. Rec’d May 18 – request from Ohio shooter for a State Shoot program – coming to the State Shoot to be here when Mr. Reppas is inducted into the Hall of Fame.
3. Rec’d May 20 – note from the widow of Ed Albright to have his name removed from the mailing list and informing us of his passing on February 19, 2004.
4. Rec’d May 28 – newsletter from ATA that was sent to all gun club. Secretary reported that directors needed to pay special attention to the classification of juniors/sub-juniors/sr. vets and the use of their birthdates when classifying.
5. Rec’d June 1 – card from T. J. Heller thanking the CGSTA and the Hall of Fame for the scholarship support that was given to him for college. Reported that he was graduating this year.
6. Rec’d June 5 – thank you letter from Bill Hunter for the invitation to the directors dinner and reported that he was unable to attend.
7. Rec’d several pieces of correspondence from Jennifer Leach reporting on the sudden death of the President of the North Hollywood Gun Club and reporting that she would be taking over the ATA duties for the club.
8. Rec’d in May and again in June – note from shooter in France requesting a patch or a cap. Discussion amongst those present determined that the Secretary would respond by sending him a State Shoot pin.
9. Rec’d June 19 – letter from Cust-M-Bilt Buckles reporting that they are making changes in the scheduling of large orders. They are requesting that large orders, like the State Shoot, be submitted no later than December 15th.
10. Rec’d June 4 – letter from Rydin Decal requesting an update of contact information. This company had been used by Wendell Schroll to produce the window decals that he had been placing in the new shooter packets and they had been trying to contact him with no success. Secretary spoke with them on their pricing and was emailed with a price for the decals.
Delegates’ Report:
Delegate Williamson reviewed with the Board the new age spread for the juniors/sub-juniors and discussed the use of the birthdates when classifying the special category shooter.
Delegate Williamson reported on a couple of shooters that were to be classified at the higher class than they were going to want to be classified in.
Delegate Williamson discussed the situation regarding the ATA move to Sparta.
New/Replacement Directors:
Northern Zone – reported no changes.
Central Zone – reported that Steve Cloyd would be added to the nomination list.
Southern Zone – President reported on a petition circulated in the Southern Zone because two directors had not been re-nominated for director. Petition as circulated in accordance with our Bylaws and the Secretary received a copy of petition with 120 signatures on it on June 15. Discussion ensued reporting that based on the Bylaws the two directors would be added to the nomination list and this discussion was for information purposed only – no motion was required.
Secretary reported that all Vice Presidents needed to have their final nomination list in to her no later than noon Friday for nominations read at the meeting on Saturday.
Secretary also reported that at the first meeting of the new year the Board needed to work through the wording on the page reporting the nomination lists in the State Shoot program. Wording needed to reflect that this is a “Preliminary” list – not a final list of nominations.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Fleming on the requirement that in order to play money at the State Shoot a social security number must be provided.
1] Junior Program Chair Sachau reported on the Scholastic Day held on the 19th.Reported that 231 juniors participated. Reported that they were anticipating 400-500 shooters for next year. Thanked those directors that helped with the day.
Director Edwards asked that the Junior Program be placed on the agenda for the first meeting of the new year for full discussion.
2] Other committees were quickly reviewed and all directors were asked to help with the shoot-offs.
State Shoot Questions/Problems:
Secretary reported that just prior to the start of the meeting a gentleman came in with a complaint regarding a Director. She explained what she had been “told” regarding the attitude of a Director and reported that he knew it was a director because he was wearing a CGSTA red/white/blue cap. Reported that she had talked with him regarding the problem and was told that he didn’t intend to carry it any further than letting her know that it had occurred.
Other Business:
1] VP Yamaguchi brought to the floor the problem that the handicap and doubles trophies for the Zone shoots were not available at the shoot. Trophy Committee reported that there had been a miscommunication and the buckles would be delivered here at the State Shoot and could be presented at the same time as the bags.
2] President brought back to the floor the letter received from Cust-M-Bilt Buckles. Discussion ensued with no motion being presented.
3] President brought back to the floor the issue of the decals. Discussion was deferred to the new year.
4] Director Brasser presented those present with a chart that he had prepared regarding the State Team. He reported that he had been working with the Secretary on a way to gather information that would make it easier to get the info to select the State Teams. Reported that he wanted to be able to present additional information at the first meeting of the new year for the Boards consideration.
5] Director Reynolds brought back to the floor the issue of a new copier for the Secretary. Reported that he had contacted a friend of his that worked for Ricoh. Reported that Ricoh had one in their test facility that they would “give” to the CGSTA for the price of shipping it to the Secretary.
Motion: Reynolds Second: Beer
To approve payment of freight on new copier.
Passed: by voice vote6] VP Martinusen brought to the floor the issue of Coon Creek and the Western Zone. Reminded the Board that they were supposed to put a “land line” in at the club house and it has been found that they do not have the line available. Discussion ensued resulting in the Board agreeing that it was too late now to change the Northern site but to not award them with the site again unless they provide proof that they are in compliance with the Western Zone rules.
7] VP Martinusen brought to the floor that VP Yamaguchi reported that there had been a problem with Sacramento adhering to the Zone Shoot Criteria – specifics were reported as to the item that states that club events can not be held until the shoot-offs for the Zone were completed. Yamaguchi asked what could be done to a club that would not adhere to the criteria that the CGSTA had established. Discussion ensued with it noted that the issue be brought to the first meeting of the new year.
8] Director Sachau asked the Secretary if the Board had received a copy of the Bylaws for the Hall of Fame – Secretary responded with a negative. Eileen Williamson responded that the Hall of Fame was currently changing their Bylaws and they were not complete and the CGSTA would receive a copy once completed.
With no further business being presented to the Board
Motion: Goss Second: Fleming
To adjourn meeting at 12:20 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote
California Golden State Trapshooters Association
Annual Meeting
Kingsburg, CA
June 26 & 27, 2004
President Kirby called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 26, 2004.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern Central Southern David Fleming
Jim McCullough
Carl Reynolds
Ron Taylor
David Ver Halen
Ken Yamaguchi
Don Bunch
Richie Clodt (late)
Kevin Erwin (late)
Tom Goss
Ed Hammond
Dan Hoffman
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen
Jonas Mayhue
Ray Phillips
Fred Piazza
John SilvaKeith Ansley
Ray Brasser
Virginia Crawford
Tim Donahue
Jim Edwards
John Hawker
Dan Kirby
Bill Martin
Kurt Sachau
Bob Slough
Dicksie Spolar
Gene Stevens
Treasurers Report:
Treasurer Fleming provided a review of the current Balance Sheet and current Profit and Loss Statement of the Corporation. With no questions being raised from the floor:
Motion: Taylor Second: Phillips
To approve the Treasurers Report.
Passed: by voice vote
Nominations of Directors:
Vice President Sachau presented nominations as follows:
Northern Central Southern David Fleming
Jim McCullough
Jessie Miyasaki
Carl Reynolds
Ron Taylor
David Ver Halen
Ken Yamaguchi
Gary Beer
Don Bunch
Richie Clodt
Steve Cloyd
Vickie Craine
Kevin Erwin
Tom Goss
Ed Hammond
Dan Hoffman
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen
Jonas Mayhue
Ray Phillips
Fred Piazza
John SilvaRay Brasser
Virginia Crawford
Jim Edwards
John Hawker
Dan Kirby
Bill Martin
Kurt Sachau
Bob Slough
Dicksie Spolar
Gene Stevens
Terry Bilbey
Nominations from the floor:
Motion: Edwards Second: Hawker
To nominate Keith Ansley and Tim Donahue for the Southern Zone.
Motion: Reynolds Second: Martin
To close nominations.
Nominations passed by voice vote.
Nominations for ATA Delegate and Alternates:
Nominations from the floor:
Motion: Edwards Second: Martin
To nominate Eileen Williamson as ATA Delegate
Motion: Taylor Second: Reynolds
To close nominations.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Stevens Second: Brasser
To nominate Terry Bilbey as ATA 1st Alternate
Motion: Reynolds Second: Taylor
To close nominations.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Spolar Second: Donahue
To nominate Vickie Larkin as ATA 2nd Alternate
Motion: Ansley Second: Taylor
To close nominations.
Passed: by voice vote
President Kirby placed the meeting in recess at 8:10 a.m. announcing the Annual Meeting would reconvene at 8:00 a.m. Sunday, June 27, 2004.
President Kirby reconvened the Annual Meeting at 8:06a.m. on Sunday, June 27, 2004.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern Central Southern David Fleming
Jim McCullough
Carl Reynolds
Ron Taylor
David Ver Halen
Ken Yamaguchi
Don Bunch
Richie Clodt
Vickie Craine
Kevin Erwin
Tom Goss
Ed Hammond
Dan Hoffman
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen
Jonas Mayhue
Ray Phillips
Fred Piazza
John SilvaKeith Ansley
Ray Brasser
Virginia Crawford
Tim Donahue
Jim Edwards
John Hawker
Dan Kirby
Bill Martin
Kurt Sachau
Bob Slough
Dicksie Spolar
Gene Stevens
President Kirby asked everyone to recognize Chris Smith – he saved the life of the little boy involved in the boating accident in front of the club on Thursday night.
Delegates Report:
Delegate Williamson reported:
1] Special Category classifications using the birth date of the shooter to determine the category the shooter should be.
2] ATA’s anticipation of a record attendance at the 2004 Grand American and its’ election to shoot 10 targets per post in all events. For the 2005 Grand they will loose 30 traps and there willa minimum number of targets that must be shot in order to be eligible to participate.
3] Relocation update – Sparta, Illinois
4] Presented first time 27 yard accomplishment – Tim Mitchell
Hall of Fame Report and Presentations:
Hall of Fame President Robert Gioia reported:
1] Results of this years raffle sales and thanked everyone for participating and reported they still has items to raffle today.
2] Informed everyone that the Hall of Fame offered a Scholarship to help defray first year costs to Junior shooters that are attending college. Reported that last year and again this they did not have anyone submit an application for this scholarship.
Hall of Fame Inductees:
1] Albert Yapelli made the presentation to Robert (Bob) Oxsen – 2004 Hall of Fame Inductee
2] Dave Reppas made the presentation to George Reppas, Sr. – 2004 Hall of Fame Inductee
Junior Report:
Director Kurt Sachau provided a report on the junior participation in the Scholastic Shooting day on Saturday, June 19.Thanked numerous people for their help and support.
Achievement Awards:
Director Don Bunch presented the achievement medals to:
100,000 200,000 Dan Kirby, Jr.
Terry Bilbey
Ray Gutierrez
Wilber Poston
Oliver ErwinTerry Bilbey
Ray Gutierrez
Director Bunch made a special certificate presentation to Harold Vartikian in honor of his 37th consecutive year attending the California State Shoot.
New Business:
None presented from the floor.
Old Business:
None presented from the floor.
Prior to the motion for adjournment – 1st Vice President Gil Martinusen presented President Dan Kirby with his Past President’s pin.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Fleming Second: Ansley
To adjourn meeting at 8:45a.m.
Passed: by voice vote
California Golden State Trapshooters Association
Election of Officers
Kingsburg, CA
June 27, 2004
President Kirby called the meeting to order at 8:47a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern Central Southern David Fleming
Jim McCullough
Carl Reynolds
Ron Taylor
David Ver Halen
Ken Yamaguchi
Don Bunch
Richie Clodt
Vickie Craine
Kevin Erwin
Tom Goss
Ed Hammond
Dan Hoffman
Myles Johnson
Gil Martinusen
Jonas Mayhue
Ray Phillips
Fred Piazza
John SilvaKeith Ansley
Ray Brasser
Virginia Crawford
Tim Donahue
Jim Edwards
John Hawker
Dan Kirby
Bill Martin
Kurt Sachau
Bob Slough
Dicksie Spolar
Gene Stevens
Secretary reminded all those in attendance – if any new directors were in attendance they were welcome to observe but any issues that required a vote they were not eligible to participate until July 1 when their term of office began.
Secretary informed those in attendance that the purpose of the meeting was to elect the 2004-2005 Officers of the Board. The floor was opened to nominations as follows:
Motion: Sachau Second: Johnson
To nominate Gil Martinusen as President.
Motion: Ansley Second: Mayhue
To close nominations.Motion: McCullough Second: Reynolds
To nominate Ken Yamaguchi as 1st Vice President.
Motion: Ansley Second: Sachau
To close nominations.Motion: Donahue Second: Martin
To nominate Jim Edwards as 2nd Vice President.
Motion: Slough Second: Piazza
To nominate Kurt Sachau as 2nd Vice President.
Motion: Martinusen Second: Ansley
To close nominations.Secretary reported that this office would go to a ballot vote.
Motion: Phillips Second: Goss
To nominate Kevin Erwin as 3rd Vice President.
Motion: Mayhue Second: Ansley
To close nominations.Motion: Reynolds Second: Edwards
To nominate Dave Fleming as Treasurer.
Motion: Ansley Second: Piazza
To close nominations.Motion: Whole Board Second: Whole Board
To nominate Virginia Crawford as Secretary.
Motion: Whole Board Second: Whole Board
To close nominations.Secretary announced all nominations were closed and the floor was turned over to the 2nd Vice President nominees to speak to the Board while ballot forms were passed out to the directors.
Results of ballot election for the office of 2nd Vice President:
Kurt Sachau- 18
Jim Edwards - 12
Secretary announced that incoming President – Gil Martinusen – has proposed the following dates for meetings:
September 18, 2004 November 20, 2004 February 26, 2005
Dates are subject to change once shoot calendars have been reviewed.
President Kirby thanked all the directors that helped this year.
Director Bunch announced that he needed ideas for the State Shoot pins for the coming year.
Past President Reynolds presented President Kirby with a leather shooting bag from the Board of Directors in appreciation for a job well done.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Ansley Second: Whole Board
To adjourn at 9:01a.m.
Passed: by voice vote