Board of Directors
November 16, 2002
Kingsburg, CA
President Reynolds called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Those answering roll call:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Gary Beer Don Bunch Tom Goss Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayhue John Silva Joe Woods |
Crawford Ken Eltrich Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau |
Minutes of prior meeting:
Motion: Fleming Second: Kirby
To approve minutes of June 30, 2002 – Election of Officers
Passed: by voice voteDirector Bunch reported that a correction was necessary on the minutes issued for September 21. Page 4 discussion on the 200,000 target medallion should show that the discussion involved the ordering of 300 medallions – not 350 medallions.
Motion: Fleming Second: Kirby
To approve minutes of September 21 as corrected.
Passed: by voice vote
Secretary reported that there was very little correspondence to report. Reported on various copies of email that occurred between the President and members of the Board. Areas of discussion regarding the pocket schedule would be deferred to later in the meeting.
Reported that the Secretary received from Vice President Martinusen this morning the letter of resignation from Central Zone Director Richard Troup – resignation effective November 2, 2002.
President Reynolds reported that on November 15 he received an email from Steve Carmichael in which he reported that he would no longer be doing the Canterbury Voice Systems. Stated that he was transferring his customer files to Mr. Ron Tree of Northwest Shooters Supply in Tacoma Washington. Discussion ensued regarding new systems on the market; contacting Ron Tree on the lease available for the State Shoot; and the possible option of purchasing the units.
President Reynolds reported on his contact with Robert Ingraham of Ingraham Trophies regarding the 3rd party use of the artwork for the 2003 State Shoot Program logo. Mr. Ingraham stated that 3rd party use of the artwork would be allowed except for the production of 1] mouse pads 2] coffee mugs 3] clip boards 4] bag tags 5] key chains 6] medals. Discussion is deferred to old business.
Delegates’ report:
Delegate Williamson reported that for the California site/sites of the 2003 Western Zone she had received bids from Coon Creek – Sacramento – Redlands. Discussion ensued with Director Sachau stating that selection on site/sites should be deferred to new business – President agreed. Director Sachau also stated that he would like to state that he disagreed with a few points that were contained in the letter from David Kaiser regarding Western Zone sites [copies received with September meeting minutes]. Recap of these points resulted in Director Sachau stating that he would like to see California have three sites for the Western Zone if the shooters want to continue doing it but also felt that the Association should look at the telephonic format – something to look at in the future. Discussion continued regarding the Northern clubs that had hosted the Western Zone at which Director Mayhue again asked that the discussion be deferred to new business.
Delegate Williamson continued her report by reporting on the targets thrown by California clubs in the 2002 target year.
Director Bunch stated that he had a complaint regarding the ATA web page and the fact that it contained on three years of information. Reported that shooters could not get their complete shoot history from that page. Requested the Delegate to see about having the process changed so that shooters can get their history without having to wait for the ATA to mail a copy to them.
New/Replacement directors:
Southern Zone – no changes
Central Zone –
Motion: Martinusen Second: Bunch
To nominate Dan Hoffman as Central Zone DirectorNorthern Zone –
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: McCullough
To nominate Ron Taylor as Northern Zone DirectorPassed: by voice vote
Treasurers’ report:
Treasurer Fleming provided a recap of the funds available and invested for the Association. Reported that income was currently down but that was to be expected for the time of year and anticipated that income would be back up to the normal range by January.
Motion: Mayhue Second: Goss
To approve treasurers’ report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Budget 2002-2003:
Treasurer Fleming provided the Board with a revised budget copy based on discussion at the last board meeting. Proposed budget falls within guidelines established by Article 22 of the Bylaws.
President Reynolds brought to the floor the printing of the pocket schedule. Reported that he had asked the Secretary to check into other avenues available for the printing of the schedule with respect to the current budget constraints. The Secretary reported on the price differences on the various options available. Reported that turning the pocket schedule into a 3 fold or 4 fold card would be the most cost effective. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Kirby Second: Silva
To change the pocket schedule to a 4 ¼ x 11 x 4 fold Shoot schedule, printed in time for the New Year – one Color print with important dates printed in bold type.
Passed: by voice vote
1 nay by YamaguchiWith no further discussion regarding the 2002-2003 budget:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Miyasaki
To approve budget as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
2003 State Shoot Program:
Director Fleming provided a preliminary copy of the program for review. Reported that the deadline date for additions and changes is February 20, 2003.
Director Sachau brought to the floor the discussion on the State Team point system. Discussion evolved around how the points were issued to Class participates. President asked that discussion on the point system be deferred to old business.
President Reynolds reported that the Board would not be finalizing the program today nor would the Board set the target fee. The negotiation committee would be meeting with Kingsburg on January 25 prior to the start of the Board meeting.
Director Fleming presented a proposal to change the price for advertising. Reported that there had not been a change in the cost for approximately ten years. Proposed the following change to become effective on January 1, 2003:
Full page ad - $300; Half page ad - $150; Quarter page ad - $75; Business card - $37.50
Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Bunch Second: Woods
To accept proposed advertising rates as discussed.
Passed: by voice votePresident Reynolds stated that he failed to report at the start of the meeting that former Northern Director Oliver Henderson passed away on November 14.
Committee reports:
Junior Program Committee – Co-chair Sachau provided copies of two information letters. Reviewed the process that they would like use this year. Wanted to have the donations be made by check and not give actual cases of shells – shells would be purchased as one time and drop shipped directly to the Kingsburg Gun Club. Discussion on program continued.
Home Grounds Committee – Chairman Bunch reported that the Merced club reports that they have the project still in the works. They report that they have the funds available to build the project. Reports that they will be meeting on Saturday the 23rd and he has been invited to attend that meeting.
Negotiation Committee – Chairman Reynolds reports that he has added Dave Fleming and Virginia Crawford to the committee. The committee will be meeting with Kingsburg Gun Club on January 25 at 8:00 a.m.
Handicap Committee – Chairman Williamson reported that she would like to get at least one more person from each zone to work the committee at the State Shoot.
Election Committee – President Reynolds reported that we would revisit the issue in old business but it had been recommended by legal council that we change the procedure of the elections. Director Sachau stated that he felt that a letter should be issued regarding the mandate of having to have a current average card to vote since we were using the computer to verify the shooters averages – it also shows whether they are a member in good standing. Further discussion was deferred to old business.
Trophy Committee – Chairman Yamaguchi presented to the Board their State Shoot pin for the 2003 State Shoot.
No other committees had information to report.
Old Business:
1] President Reynolds read the letter that was issued by the CGSTA to The California Trapshooting Hall of Fame requesting that the CGSTA once again have a place on the HOF Board.
2] Director Mayhue brought back to the floor the issue of the voice pulls. Wondered if the voice pulls could be purchased using Home Grounds funds since if we did get home grounds they would go there anyway. Stated that by purchasing them we could not have that factor in our budget each year. President Reynolds reported that since it would be a Capital Improvement it would not necessarily have to come from the Home Grounds funds. Discussion ensued on the various avenues of available including pricing of the new wireless system.
3] Director Beer reported that he was still working with the Casino for the State Shoot. Various proposals were discussed with no motions being placed on the floor.
4] Director Bunch brought back to the floor the State Shoot logo artwork. With the approval of 3rd party usage of the artwork he presented the following motion:
Motion: Bunch Second: Yamaguchi
That the non-exclusive license fee to vendors to use The artwork from the 2003 State Shoot logo for Clothing (only), be $200. Vendors using the logo Without first receiving permission to do so and Paying the license fee will be billed a minimum of $500 for license infringement. Vendors are specifically prohibited from producing the following items: 1] mouse pads 2] coffee mugs 3] clip boards 4] bag tags 5] key chains 6] medals. Any items to be produced other than clothing must have prior Permission from the Executive Board.
Passed: by voice voteDiscussion continued resulting in the following:
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Fleming
To send a letter of terms and conditions to the Vendors that have applied to use the State Shoot logo.
Passed: by voice vote5] Bylaw Amendment presentation – President Reynolds presented the Board with the recommendations of the Bylaw Committee for the proposed changes.
Motion: Fleming Second: Kirby
To approve as the 2nd reading the proposed Bylaw
Amendments as presented.
Passed: by voice vote6] State Team point system criteria was brought to the floor. Several points and issues were discussed regarding the issuance of points on win/ties/runner-ups. Lengthy discussion took place with no motion being presented to the floor.
7] Treasurer Fleming brought back to the floor the Association owned copier. Reported that the previous treasurer is still in possession of the copier and the Association has continued the paying of the maintenance contract. Reported he would like Board approval to issue a letter to get the copier returned to the Secretary or for him to purchase the copier from the Association. President Reynolds reported that he would contact the former Treasurer and let him know that the issued must be resolved by the next Board meeting. No motion was presented.
New Business:
1] Director Bunch requested information as to where the Zone shoots were to be held in 2003. Secretary reported that all three zones were being held the first weekend in June – the 7th and 8th. Northern Zone would be at Coon Creek; Central Zone would be at Kern Co.; Southern Zone would be at San Diego.
2] Director Yamaguchi requested information as to whether the Winter Chain dates had been finalized and requested a listing of those clubs and dates.
3] Western Zone site selection was brought back to the floor. Discussion ensued resulting in the following motions:
Motion: Mayhue Second: McCullough
That California have two sites in the State for The Western Zone.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Sachau Second: Kirby
That Redlands Trap and Skeet be the Southern Site for the Western Zone.Motion: Ver Halen Second: McCullough
That Sacramento Trapshooting be the Northern Site for the Western Zone.
Passed: by voice vote4] Director Woods brought to the floor the rule changes from the ATA – specifically the new two failure to fire per field and the new punch list. Discussion ensued resulting in no motion being presented.
5] President Reynolds brought to the floor the ambiguity of the rules regarding doubling. Discussion ensued resulting in no motion being presented.
With no further discussion brought to the floor:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Goss
To adjourn at 2:08 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote