OCTOBER 11, 2003
President Kirby called the meeting to order at 10:09 a.m.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming Jim McCullough Carl Reynolds David Ver Halen Ken Yamaguchi |
Gary Beer Don Bunch Kevin Erwin Tom Goss Ed Hammond Myles Johnson Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayue John Silva |
Brasser Virginia Crawford Jim Edwards Dan Kirby Kurt Sachau Bob Slough Gene Stevens |
Late arrival: Dicksie Spolar
Also in attendance: Ron Taylor and Vickie Craine
Minutes of prior meetings:
Motion: FlemingSecond: Edwards
To accept minutes of June 23 and June 28, 2003 as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
1] Secretary presented a stack of email copies should anyone be interested.
2] Rec'd 7/12/03 - from ATA Trapshooting Hall of Fame - letter of thank you for the $335 from the Hall of Fame Purse participation at the 2003 State Shoot.
3] Rec'd 7/12/03 - a letter of thank you from the juniors from the True Sportsman Club who participated at the 2003 State Shoot.
4] Rec'd 7/16/03 - a copy of the Trap & Field article prepared by Don Black.
5] Rec'd 8/28/03 - from ATA a copy of the notice sent to all gun clubs on the National Trapshooting Day program.
6] Rec'd 8/28/03 - a letter of resignation from Central Zone Director John Musick effective August 1, 2003.
7] Rec'd 9/02/03 - from ATA a copy of the 2004 Rule/Rule Book changes.8] Rec'd 9/29/03 - from ATA a copy of a letter sent to all gun clubs to update their club information with the ATA.
9] Rec'd 10/04/03 - from ATA copies of notices sent to gun clubs regarding the unpaid 2002 annual membership due of shooters that shot their clubs.
10] Secretary reported on the receipt of email from Dave Mishler on setting up a registered shoot date at the Nevada County Sportsmen's Club in Nevada City, CA on November 1-2, 2003.
11] Secretary reported that she would defer the receipt of a letter of request on the State Shoot logo until later in the meeting.
Delegates report:
Secretary reported that Delegate Williamson was in Canada attending a wedding but she had sent a report for the Boards review. Reported that it was very explanatory and everyone should review the rule changes that were attached.
New/Replacement Directors:
Northern Zone:
Motion: Reynolds Second: McCullough
To nominate Ron Taylor as Northern Director.
Passed: by voice voteCentral Zone:
Motion: Martinusen Second: Goss
To nominate Vickie Craine and Fred Piazza as
Central Directors.
Passed: by voice voteSouthern Zone:
No changes at this time reported.
Treasurers' report:
Treasurer Fleming provided the Board with a comprehensive overview of the Associations' financial status. Periodic discussion ensued during the overview and responses provided.
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Johnson To approve Treasurer's report as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
2004 Budget:
Treasurer Fleming provided the Board with a copy of the preliminary budget for 2004. Floor was opened for discussion as information was reviewed resulting in the following motions:
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Edwards
To increase the Secretary and Treasurer's monthly allowance by $100 each.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Reynolds Second: Edwards
To remove Pins & Medals from budget.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Edwards Second: McCullough
To set budget for Presidents buckle at $750.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Goss Second: McCullough
To set budget for Western Zone at $1000.
Passed: by voice vote with
2 voicing opposedMotion: Reynolds Second: Yamaguchi
To increase operating expense for printingby $300.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Yamaguchi Second: Ver Halen
To discontinue the waiving of the CGSTA dues for new shooters effective immediately.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Edwards Second: Reynolds
To reduce phono pull budget to $300.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Yamaguchi Second: Slough
To add 1 golf cart for the State Shoot and increase budget from $1900 to $2400.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Reynolds Second: Goss
To increase budget for State Shoot pins and emblems to $2200.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Stevens Second: Reynolds
To increase State Shoot trophy budget to $33,000.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Mayhue Second: Taylor
To have the Association purchase hats to be presented to the Directors - not to exceed budget allowance of $400 - effective immediately.
Passed: by voice vote with
4 voicing opposedWith no further discussion being presented:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Yamaguchi
To accept budget as modified.
Passed: by voice vote
2003 State Shoot review:
Floor was opened for discussion on the 2003 State Shoot. Discussion centered primarily on the enormous pressure that the scholastic program had on the Saturday Singles. Through this discussion it was determined that Director Reynolds would contact the ATA on the feasibility of moving the scholastic shooting to the Saturday before and if need be he would contact the scholastic person for California on the same issue.
2004 Committees:
President Kirby presented his list of committee for the 2003-2004 year. During the review chairs for each committee were assigned and discussed.
Motion: Fleming Second: Goss
To approve committees as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
Old Business:
1] Point System
President Kirby informed the Board that the State Team Committee had met and determined that there was a problem with the point system when assigning points for those shooters that won club trophies during the Western Zone. As the criteria was established only those winning ATA Western Zone trophies would receive points.
Motion: Stevens Second: Reynolds
To approve assigning the regular scheduled shoot points to site winners for the Western Zone - retro to the 2003 target year.
Passed: by voice vote2] State Shoot logo reproduction
Secretary Crawford reported on the receipt of letters requesting the
right to reproduce the State Shoot logo from both Christine Brooks
(Grubbys, Inc.) and Herman Smith (Smitty's Leather). Discussion ensued
resulting in the following:Motion: Edwards Second: McCullough
To accept the requests for reproduction of the State Shoot logo - upon the completion of the
requirements previous set and/or modified and funds received.
Passed: by voice vote
New Business:
State Shoot program chair Fleming brought to the floor the issue of renaming Event 4 in the State Shoot program. Reported that it had been the John Everett Memorial for several years and since we were loosing several of our shooters we might want to rename the event.
Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Goss Second: Edwards
To rename Event 4 to CGSTA Member Memorial Handicap.
Passed: by voice voteCriteria Committee chair Bunch with the following presentations:
1] Presentation of the 2004 State Shoot pin and program logo.
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Johnson
To accept logo for 2004 as presented.
Passed: by voice vote2] Committee recommendation that the AAA Class not be added to the Zone Shoot Criteria.
Motion: Fleming Second: Erwin
To accept criteria committees recommendation of "No Change" to the Zone Team Criteria.
Failed: by voice voteMotion: Stevens Second: Erwin
To add the AAA class to the men's team for Zone Shoots.
Passed: by hand count...yes...16
no... 5
abstain... 23] Committee recommendation that having the Zone Teams shoot a separate 100 targets as a shoot-off not be added to the criteria.
Motion: Stevens Second: Edwards
To accept recommendation by committee to not add having zone teams shoot-off at the State Shoot.
Passed: by voice voteIt was brought to the floor that there had been a few complaints regarding alternates for the zone teams not receiving the trophy if they shot at the State Shoot instead of the person that won at the local zone site. Discussion ensued:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Mayhue
To have Zone Team trophies be presented at the State Shoot.
Passed: by voice vote4] Committee recommendation that the State Team Veterans and Sr. Veterans 1st Team be expanded to a full 5 member team on each.
Motion: Stevens Second: Slough
To accept recommendation by committee to increase the Veteran and Sr. Veteran 1st Team to five members each.
Passed: by voice vote with
1 opposed voiced5] Committee presentation of revamped State Team point system generated lengthy discussions. Resulting motion and roll call vote occurred:
Motion: Edwards Second: Spolar
To do away with the State Team Point System and return to the old average system to determine State Teams.Passed: by roll call vote as shown
Not in Attendance |
Yes | No | Abstain | |
Dave Fleming |
X | |||
James Foster | X | |||
Jim McCullough | X | |||
Jessie Miyasaki | X | |||
Roger Reinsch | X | |||
Carl Reynolds | X | |||
Ron Taylor | X | |||
David Ver Halen | X | |||
Ken Yamaguchi | X | |||
Greg Barnet | X | |||
Gary Beer | X | |||
Don Bunch | X | |||
Richie Clodt | X | |||
Vickie Craine | X | |||
Kevin Erwin | X | |||
Tom Goss | X | |||
Ed Hammond | X | |||
Dan Hoffman | X | |||
Myles Johnson | X | |||
Gil Martinusen | X | |||
Jonas Mayhue | X | |||
Ray Phillips | X | |||
Fred Piazza | X | |||
John Silva | X | |||
Keith Ansley | X | |||
Ray Brasser | X | |||
Virginia Crawford | X | |||
Tim Donahue | X | |||
Jim Edwards | X | |||
Ken Eltrich | X | |||
John Hawker | X | |||
Dan Kirby | ||||
Bill Martin | X | |||
Kurt Sachau | X | |||
Bob Slough | X | |||
Dicksie Spolar | X | |||
Gene Stevens | X | |||
18 | 3 | 2 |
Discussion regarding the State Team continued resulting in the following:
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Reynolds
All members must apply in writing to be considered for the State Team.
Passed: by voice votePresident Kirby brought to the floor for discussion the issue of there being a couple of junior/sub-juniors that had high points for the 2003 target year. Reported that points were won from both special category and out right wins. Based on the combined points these juniors would make the men's first team.
Reported that this issue had been discussed at length by the Committee the previous day and it was determined by the Committee that as special category points were won that these juniors should stay under the Special Category for the State Team. This recommendation would apply to all Special Category shooters. A short discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Edwards
To accept the recommendation of the State Team committee regarding Special Category placement.
Passed: by voice votePresident Kirby and Past President Reynolds brought to the floor that the Board needed to recognize David Van Elgort for all his work on the CGSTA web site. Discussion determined that the issue would be looked into.
President Kirby reported to the Board that the next meeting would be Saturday December 13 and the following meeting would be Saturday, February 28.
Program Chair Fleming reported that he had the advertising forms available. Encourage everyone to see if they could get at least one advertiser or sponsor for the State Shoot program this year.
With no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Edwards Second: Stevens
To adjourn meeting at 3:35 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote