Subject To
Board Approval
For information only
SEPTEMBER 21, 2002
President Reynolds called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Those answering roll call:
Northern | Central | Southern |
David Fleming | Don Bunch | Virginia Crawford |
Jim McCullough | Kevin Erwin | Tim Donahue |
Jessie Miyasaki |
Myles Johnson | Jim Edwards |
Carl Reynolds |
Gil Martinusen | Ken Eltrich |
David Ver Halen | John Musick | Dan Kirby |
Ken Yamaguchi | Ray Phillips | |
John Silva | ||
Joe Woods |
Late arrival by Directors Gary Beer and Jonas Mayhue
Minutes of Prior Meetings:
Motion: Kirby Second: Edward’s
To approve June 24, 2002 minutes as presented.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Edward’s Second: McCullough
To approve minutes of Annual Meeting on June 30, 2002 as presented.
Passed: by voice votePrior to presentation of motion for the minutes on Officer Elections conducted on June 30, 2002 it was determined that the Page 2 of the minutes was missing on all copies issued to the Board. President Reynolds tabled the motion of approval until the November meeting so that a corrected copy could be issued.
1] Rec’d 07/09/02 letter from Smitty’s Leather requesting permission to reproduce the 2003 State Shoot logo for shirts and an embroidered heat press patch. Discussion deferred to new business.
2] Rec’d 07/08/02 from Jim Edward’s the break-down of contribution for the 2002 Junior program.
3] Rec’d 07/29/02 thank you letter from the ATA Hall of Fame for the $335 check which represented participation in the Hall of Fame purse during the 2002 State Shoot.
4] Rec’d 08/05/02 letter from Christine Brooks of Grubby’s requesting permission to reproduce the 2003 State Shoot logo for shirts and hats. Discussion deferred to new business.
5] Rec’d 08/07/02 promotional package from Rancho de los Caballeros - a resort around Tuscon, AZ that offers trap and skeet as part of their entertainment to visitors.
6] Rec’d 08/23/02 early bird bid from Don Black for photographer at the 2003 State Shoot. Discussion deferred to new business.
7] Rec’d 09/16/02 letter from Gerald Van Dam reporting the theft of four guns from his home. All gun clubs were sent the same letter with a request that it be posted.
8] Secretary reported on several pieces of email that had been received - mostly copies between Board members. Any emails requiring additional responses were forwarded to Board members for response.
Delegates report:
Delegate Eileen Williamson provided the Board with a copy of a letter issued by ATA Western Zone Vice President David Kaiser regarding the Western Zone Site selection. She reported that the letter was issued as clarification as to the sites available to California and that if two sites are chosen they should be far enough apart as to not infringe on shooter participation.
Also provided to the Board was a copy of the 2003 Target year rule changes adopted by the ATA during the 2002 Grand American. The rule changes become effective with the new target year beginning September 1, 2002. Board members discussed these changes with the Delegate.
Also discussed were the California Western Zone site/sites. Reported that David Kaiser would like to know by December 1 where site/sites will be located.
Reported on the ATA relocation. Reported that airport management met with the Delegates during the Grand and stated that the ATA will be out of Vandalia by 2007. Reported that there were discussions underway about splitting the trap line to property (offered by the airport) west of the current line. Reported that the relocation committee presented a report to the Delegates that stated that currently the ATA could not afford to relocate - they were approximately 4 million dollars short of being able to relocate.
President Reynolds reported on an email that he had sent to the Delegate concerning the timing and length of the ATA Western Zone Shoot. Floor discussion on issues brought up within this email ensued.
New and replacement directors:
Northern Zone reported no changes; Central Zone reported no changes; Southern Zone reported no changes.
Treasurers’ report:
Treasurer Fleming provided information as to the current status of operating bank accounts and investment accounts. Provided a recap of the 2001-2002 year in which he reported that the Association had a fairly good year. Reported the Board needed to continue to get advertising for the State Shoot program.
2002-2003 Budget:
Treasurer Fleming provided a preliminary budget copy. He reminded the Board members that this preliminary budget was confidential and for corporation use only. Discussion ensued on several points of the budget. The Treasurer requested that the members review the budget and be prepared to offer any changes during the November meeting. If members had questions they were requested to contact him direct for clarification.
Committee Review:
President Reynolds presented his committee lists for the 2002-2003 year. Review and discussion of the committees and selection of chairs to the committees were made/presented.
Motion: Mayhue Second: Fleming
To approve committee lists as presented.
Passed: by voice vote
2002 State Shoot recap:
Director Fleming reported that he would like to have as much of the State Shoot program advertising as possible in to him by the November meeting. Reported that this would give him the time necessary to do any conversion that may be necessary to print it in the program.
Director Fleming reported that he would like to see the program events for the 2003 program remain the same as we have presented for the last two years. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Phillips Second: Yamaguchi
To have the events for the 2003 State Shoot program be the same as the 2002 State Shoot program.
Passed: by voice voteDirector Fleming also reported on two checks from the 2002 State Shoot that had been returned for address problems.
President Reynolds stated that he felt everyone worked together to put on a good 2002 state shoot. Reported that the only area that we may need to change is in the processing of all the Juniors/Scholastic Program Juniors that attend the Singles Championship. Stated that we may need to consider setting up a separate table outside to get their paperwork filled out prior to handicapping them. Discussion ensued with no motion presented.
Old Business:
Secretary brought to the floor that at the June 24, 2002 the Board approved the acquisition of a storage unit at a local storage facility. She reported that she would like to thank Gill Martinusen for his assistance on Friday. Reported that they had gone through the existing unit here on the grounds and filled one of the dumpsters with things that had been destroyed by the molds and the bugs/mice and had moved everything else to the new storage unit.
President Reynolds brought to the floor the subject of purchasing the bingo prizes. Reported that Marilyn Phillips has been in charge of obtaining prizes for the bingo afor the past several years. She has stated that it has become a real challenge for her to get those prizes purchased and transported to the State Shoot. It was being suggested that hopefully someone who lived in the area could take on the responsibility of getting the prizes purchased and to the State Shoot. Marilyn suggested that we contact Cathy Compolongo to do the purchasing as she lives in the Kingsburg area. Marilyn Phillips stated that she would continue to run the bingo during the State Shoot but could no longer handle the procurement end of things.
Director Edward’s brought to the floor the Junior program and the juniors participating in the STP program. He reminded the Board that although we technically do not have much to do with the STP program, all the juniors that participate in that program also become part of the Junior program at the State Shoot.
The Secretary reported that she had already been informed that the STP program anticipates bring 100 juniors to the 2003 State Shoot.
Director Edward’s wanted to remind everyone that whomever takes on the Junior program this year will need to keep the STP program participates in mind when gathering donations.
Delegate Williamson brought to the floor an email from Jim Elliott of the Sacramento Gun Club on the new point system for the California State Teams and his voicing dissatisfaction with the requirements that gun clubs must fill out the paperwork. She also reported that other gun club owners were also voicing dissatisfaction with the paperwork requirements. President Reynolds responded with some of the reasons that were behind the change in the State Team requirements. He reported that in trying to cover all aspects/issues that might or could arise, some of the instruction wording is not clear, but we were making corrections where necessary as the issues are being brought up. President Reynolds stated that the Board had committed to this format for one year and if it didn’t work we would be looking at trying something different at that time. Discussion ensued.
Director Phillips asked about the criteria for hosting a Winter Chain shoot. The Secretary reported that it was four shoots per year in which the winter chain is counted as one of the four. Director Phillips asked the printing schedule of the pocket schedule.
As a result of Director Phillips question on the pocket schedule, Director Mayhue brought to the floor the question of continuing the printing of the pocket schedule. Reported that with budget constraints and the access the shooters now have to the internet he felt that we could put the shoot schedule on the CGSTA web site and not spend the funds for printing the schedule. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Bunch
To not print the pocket schedule and to put the shoot schedule on out web site.
Failed: by roll call votePresident Reynolds stepped down from the President’s chair in order to present a report from the Bylaw Committee. 1st Vice President Kirby took the chair during the presentation. Director Reynolds distributed to the Board a copy of the results of a year and a half work toward updating the Associations Bylaws. Reported that the proposed amendments met the requirements established by the California Corporation Code and had been reviewed by legal council. The changes to wording or additions to the existing Bylaws were placed in bold type. Seven proposed changes were placed before the Board and explained. Director Reynolds asked that the presentation be approved as a first reading of Bylaw Amendments.
Motion: Donahue Second: Yamaguchi
To approve the 1st reading of the proposed Bylaw Amendments as recommended by committee and presented by Director Reynolds.
Passed: by voice vote with no dissension
New business:
Director Bunch took the floor and presented the Board with a color rendition of the proposed pin for the 2003 State Shoot. Minor discussion occurred resulting in the following:
Motion: Edward’s Second: Musick
To accept the pin as the 2003 State Shoot pin.
Passed: by voice voteDirector Bunch presented to the Board the color rendition for the 200,000 target achievement medallion. Director Bunch explained the cost involved in making the medallion - reported that the Board had authorized the purchase of 350 medallions for the 100,000 achievement medallion and that we still had sufficient medallions available for use. Reported that he did not feel we needed that many 200,000 medallions but to order less than 350 would require the payment of die fee of $125. Discussion ensued resulting in the following:
Motion: Kirby Second: Mayhue
To accept the artwork for the 200,000 target achievement medallion.
Passed: by voice voteMotion: Edward’s Second: McCullough
To authorize the purchase of 100 medallions and to pay the die fee of $125.Director Bunch brought back to the floor the State Shoot pin. He wanted to know the number of pins the Board wanted him to order. Reported that we ran out this year and did not want to do so this year but also did not want to order excess pins - wanted to see a tighter control used at the windows.
Motion: Edward’s Second: Beer
To order 1100 State Shoot pins for 2003.
Passed: by voice voteDirectors Woods asked Delegate Williamson if the Western Zone had 200 straight pins. Reported that it would be nice to have those pins on site for handing out to those shooters that shot 200 straights. Delegate Williamson did have such pins but were normally mailed to the shooter by the Western Zone Vice President but she would see if she could get a few for handing out at the shoot.
Secretary brought to the floor the two letters received on reproducing the State Shoot logo. Letters were read as to what the logo would be produced on.
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Edward’s
To approve Smitty’s Leather and Grubby’s reproducing the 2003 State Shoot logo.During the discussion of this motion Director Bunch reported that we could have a problem with giving our approval on the use of the design. Stated that we do not "own" the art work and could be opening ourselves and the two vendors up for infringement suits.
President Reynolds tabled the motion until the November meeting stating that he would contact Ingraham’s regarding this issue.
Secretary brought to the floor the bid received from Don Black for the photography at the 2003 State Shoot.
Motion: Yamaguchi Second: Kirby
To accept the bid received from Don Black for photography at the 2003 State Shoot.
Passed: by voice voteWith no further business being brought to the floor:
Motion: Edward’s Second: Woods
To adjourn meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Passed: by voice vote
Subject To
Board Approval
For information only