Board of Directors
Kingsburg Gun Club
September 29, 2001
President Phillips called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. He thanked everyone for coming and reported that we had several new directors and asked that they stand and introduce themselves and let us know what zone they were from.
Those answering roll call were:
Northern | Central | Southern |
Fleming Jim McCullough Jessie Miyasaki Roger Reinsch Carl Reynolds Ken Yamaguchi |
Beer Don Bunch Tom Goss Myles Johnson Gil Martinusen Jonas Mayhue John Musick Ray Phillips John Silva Joe Woods |
Ansley Virginia Crawford Tim Donahue James Drake Jim Edwards Dave Hudson Dan Kirby |
Also in attendance was ATA Delegate Eileen Williamson.
Minutes of prior meetings:
Director Martinusen reported that there was a correction to the minutes of June 18 - page 4 under new business and the discussion concerning the negative television report. Correction should show that Ron Scholta knew the owner of the station and would talk to him about the report.
Motion: Edwards Second: Johnson
To approve all prior minutes as corrected.
Passed: by voice vote
1) Rec’d July 7 letter from Herman Smith of Smitty’s Leather and Accessories requesting permission to reproduce the state shoot logo for the purpose of imprinting on t-shirts and hats. Further discussion to be brought the floor under new business.
2) Rec’d July 12 from President Phillips copy of letter from Attorney Hal Gould issued to Dave Hudson. Letter reported that the State Attorney Generals office ruled in favor of the CGSTA regarding the complaint made by Ms. Donna Foster against the Association.
3) Rec’d July 12 from President Phillips copy of letter from Attorney Hal Gould issued to Dave Hudson. Letter was in response to questions raised by Director Fleming regarding the Bylaw amendment that was voted/passed during the 2001 State Shoot.
4) Rec’d July 31 from ATA Trapshooting Hall of Fame reporting they had not received the funds from the Hall of Fame purse shown in our 2001 State Shoot program.
5) Rec’d August 2 mail out from Trap & Field regarding a gun club directory. All gun clubs should have received this mailing.
6) Rec’d August 3 letter from ATA Trapshooting Hall of Fame thanking us for the $270 representing participation in the Hall of Fame purse during the 2001 State Shoot.
7) Rec’d August 23 letter from Triple B Clays regarding the lack of receipt of the added money for the 2001 Western Zone shoot. Discussion on this letter to be held until new business.
8) Rec’d September 4 letter from Eilert Insurance providing a break down of the insurance and the amount of the premium. Reported that it had been forwarded to the treasurer for payment.
9) Rec’d September 6 from Kurt Sachau a letter from Chubb Group of Insurance Companies. Letter was in response to contact made regarding the Pierce matter and provided information as to the existing policy and its’ procedural requirements.
10) Rec’d September 10 bid letter from Don Black for the photography at the 2002 State Shoot. Reported that the price and conditions were the same as last year. Discussion to be held until new business.
11) Rec’d September 10 letter from Lloyd Moore regarding his ATA dues that were paid at the 2001 State Shoot. Reported that upon research found that dues were in fact collected at the shoot but director’s report showed only that state dues were collected and that the ATA membership form had not been filled out. Treasurer was notified that we needed to forward the dues to ATA for Mr. Moore.
12) Rec’d September 20 letter from Redlands Trap & Skeet requesting that they be considered for the site for the 2002 Western Zone. Discussion to be held under new business.
13) Rec’d September 21 fax from Triple B Clays requesting that they be considered for the site for the 2002 Western Zone. Discussion to be held under new business.
14) Rec’d September 21 letter from Prado Olympic Shooting Park requesting that they be considered for the site for the 2002 Western Zone. Discussion to be held under new business.
15) Rec’d September 29 copy of letter issued to the ATA Delegate from Coon Creek requesting that they be considered for the site for the 2002 Western Zone. Discussion to be held under new business.
16) Secretary reported that there were numerous emails received but were primarily copies of information sent between directors. Reported that one email issued on 09/05/01 reported the collection of a bad check issued by a member last year when he purchased a life membership for his son - life membership had been suspended - upon collection of debt it had been reinstated. Also reported that a NSF check issued at the State Shoot from Chris Holguin had been collected.
17) Secretary reported on the letters received from Attorney Karl Berscheid regarding the Ray and Ryan Pierce issue from the State Shoot. Copies of information were available to the Board for their reading.
18) Secretary reported on the receipt of a phone call followed by a packet of information from Gail Miller from Sacramento area on the new ATA Scholastic Trapshooting Program (STP).
General discussion determined that the STP program should be reviewed by the Junior Program Committee and they should come back to the Board with a recommendation.
New/Replacement Directors:
All Zone Vice Presidents reported that there were not changes or additions.
Delegates Report:
Delegate Eileen Williamson handed out a summary of the August 13,2001 meeting of the Western Zone in Vandalia, Ohio. The summary provided information as to rule changes, etc. Also provided a summary of the new earned yardage table and reported on the new ATA home grounds selection of Sparta, Illinois.
Discussion was brought to the floor regarding sites selected for the 2002 Western Zone. Reported that although States selection for those sites were to be submitted by December 1 she had contacted Dave Kaiser and had been able to get an extension until December 10 since the Board was not going to be meeting again until December 8.
Additional discussion continued with questions raised by the Directors regarding some of the rule changes specifically the change regarding special catagory classifications. Also discussed was the initial proposal to change the renewal procedure by the ATA.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Fleming reported that due to work constraints and a recent vacation he did not have a formal treasurer’s report for the Board. Stated that currently all bills had been paid and that there was approximately $25,000 cash in the bank.
Provided the Board with a preliminary profit and loss and balance sheet for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Reported that he was still working with the CPA on classifications and closeout for the year - therefore these statements were confidential to the Board due to their unaudited state.
Provided the Board with a preliminary budget for the 2001-2002 year while once again stating that this information was confidential at this time and that this report was for review purposes only. Until the previous year was finalized firm numbers would not be available for the budget. Asked that the Board review the preliminary budget and be prepared to make recommendations or adjustments to these numbers at the next meeting.
2001 State Shoot Review:
The directors were asked if they had any concerns/questions/suggestion on how the State Shoot ran.
1) reported that the P.A. system could not be heard on the upper camp grounds.
2) question as to whether the on deck board could be moved for better viewing.
3) discussion regarding the non-check cashing policy.
4) general discussion on the shoot including the corn in the background, makeup targets, program suggestions.
2002 Committee Review:
President Phillips reported that he was going to get chairs for the committees and each chair would then put their committee people together. If there was a problem filling the committee they were to come back to him for assistance. The committee lists were read to the Board resulting in the following:
To move the Youth Program Committee from State Shoot
only to General Operating Committees.To change Advertisement Schedule/Program name to
Advertisement Committee and move it from State Shoot only to General Operating Committees.
Motion: Reynolds Second: GossTo approve committee list as modified.
Passed: by voice vote
New Business:
1) Director Fleming provided the Board with a preliminary copy of the 2002 State Shoot program. Reported that there were still a few areas to correct but the basic program was ready. Discussion ensued covering several items resulting in the following:
Motion: Mayhue Second: Hudson
To have some legal input on the statement in the program regarding unruly behavior at the shoot.During lengthy discussion regarding this statement Mayhue and Hudson withdrew the motion providing the ATA rule regarding unruly behavior is quoted in the program.
Director Kirby was appointed to draft rules for the gun purse shoot-offs to be stated in the program.
2) Secretary brought to the floor the bid received from Don Black:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Edwards
To accept bid from Don Black for photography at the 2002 State Shoot.
Passed: by voice vote3) Secretary brought to the floor the letter from Smitty’s Leather:
Motion: Reynolds Second: Woods
To allow Smitty’s Leather to reproduce the State Shoot logo for use at the 2002 State Shoot - non-exclusive permission.
Passed: by voice vote4) Secretary brought to the floor the issue of Triple B and their Western Zone participation. Reported that the club submitted the report without payment and the letter reporting that since they had not received the added money for the shoot ($1,000) they were due a refund from the Association of $450 (net of the added money less the shoot report). Discussion ensued with Treasurer and Secretary reporting that the Board had not passed a motion to provide any club with the added monies for the 2001 Western Zone. Discussion continued resulting in the following:
Motion: Bunch Second: Fleming
To bill Triple B for the $550 shoot funds owed and give them thirty (30) days to pay.
Passed: by voice vote5) Reynolds brought to the floor the issue of Winter Chain buckles. Reported that some clubs in the North would like to see requirement to win the buckle be based on combined scores over the two day shoot rather than just the one handicap - in order to help with participation over both days rather than just the one day. Discussion ensued with no formal action by the Board.
6) Kirby brought to the floor the issue of how the State Teams are selected. Provided a sample of how the State Team requirements could be changed to a point system rather than having the selection based on average, Discussion ensued with no formal action taken by the Board - Criteria committee is to review.
7) Kirby brought to the floor the issue of a possible Bylaw change regarding the election of directors when there are vacancies in the zones. Discussion ensued with no formal action taken by the Board.
8) Bunch presented to the Board the artist rendition of the 2002 State Shoot pin for Board approval. Reported that due to the atmosphere across America due to the 09/11/01 tragedy the pin shows the State of California with the American flag across it and a target with it. The Board looked at the new design and discussed the cost resulting in the following:
Motion: Goss Second: Donahue
To accept the State pin design as presented and to place an order for 1000 pins at a cost of $1.75 each.
Passed: by voice voteUpon return from a break in the meeting President Phillips reported that the Board needed to address personnel matters. All non-directors were asked to leave the meeting but were thanked for attending.
The regular Board meeting closed at 3:10 p.m.